Chapter 6

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After Carl cleaned me up, i started my trek home.
On the way i decided to stop at a little shop to pick up some stuff, possibly sneak into the record shop and nick a few records.

I felt safe.

As i walked into the shop, i saw a girl who was standing in the middle of isle 4 looking rather worried about something.

I chose to ignore her and keep on with my journey.
I picked up a newspaper for my dad, hoping he was in so i could stay clear of Louisa.
I also took a carton of milk and some rich tea biscuits to accompany the beverage.

I placed my items on the counter and the man working there, who had a moustache and looked like he probably went to parks to kidnap kids and hurt them, scanned them.

"That'll be 7 pounds 50, please." he said in a monotone voice.

As i pulled out the change and payed him, i packed the things i had purchased into the small reusable, fabric bag i carried with me everywhere.
Just in Case

Turning on my heel to leave, the girl i saw earlier came up to the counter and placed a box on it.


I stared, rather rudely i might say.

"Got a problem, McCartney?" she asked, roughly.

"How do you know my name?" i asked, a bit scared.
She wasn't going to hurt me, was she?

"Oh come on, everyone knows you! the little slut." she snickered.

I stared at her blankly as the cashier let out a small laugh.

"Wait outside for me, i wanna chat." she smiled, although it was sweet i was a bit nervous and confused.

So i kept on walking till i got outside and waited against the wall.

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