Judging Criteria

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Cover: 10 pts

Is the cover creative and is it relevant to the short story?

Synopsis/Intro: 10 pts

Is the story description gripping? Does it give away just enough of the story or does it give too much? Is the synopsis misleading?

Plot Development: 30 pts

Is your plot going too slow or fast? Does it have a good flow? Is your story engaging? How well do you relay your story?

Descriptions: 5 pts

Does your story have descriptions that will help your readers imagine what's going on? Or is it too long that would make your readers skip it?

Vocabulary: 5 pts

Do you use the right words for the right situations? Do you use a wide range of vocabulary or is it very limited?

Grammar and Mechanics: 20 pts

Do you have minimal grammar mistakes that are barely noticeable? Do you have correct and consistent spelling, capitalization, and punctuation throughout the story?

Overall Impression: 20 pts

Total: 100 pts

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