Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Smell the bacon.

**Adele‟s POV**

I looked at the townsmen staring at me, every single one of their eyes were blue. The majority of the groups hair was dark- either chestnut or black. It was unnerving to have so many people who looked so similar to each other in one place; however, it was not as unnerving as having every single one of those people staring at you with jaws hanging. I looked at Aro standing next to me with wide eyes. He looked back and I could see him working to control his expression. “Don‟t worry it‟ll be fine,” he said under his breath, without moving his lips.

I looked over at my side towards Aro again, and he looked back at me. I could tell from his expression that he was working to hide a smile. I could feel my cheeks starting to flush from the pressure of the situation, what was I supposed to do? “Ummm Aro?” I mumbled under my breath, hoping that the townsmen wouldn't notice.


I looked over the sea of people trying to see where the crowd ended, there didn't appear to be one. “What do I do?”

He rolled his eyes. “Follow me.” he strode down the forest path, and I hurried to keep up. Getting closer to the people, he addressed them, “Good day!” Everyone laughed like this was an inside joke or something, I was just glad that they had made a noise- finally. “As all of you have probably managed to figure out by now, I'm back!” I rolled my eyes at him while a ripple of laughter stirred the crowd. “My dear friend Adele,” he pointed at me, “Just came back from the other world. We now have an urgent appointment with the King and Queen, if you don't mind,” he began to walk through the mob of people who hurried to make a path for the two of us to walk through.

I followed him closely up to the castle gates where two knights sat on war horses keeping guard. The horses stood at over 17 hands towering over us, black coats shinning in the sunlight. Both of them had long swords shinning blue, both of them were held at the ready. Nodding at the two guards Aro proceeded across the half mile draw bridge that stretched across the moat.

“You okay?” Aro asked looking over his shoulder at me. He slowed down so that he walked next to me rather than in front. “It's a lot to take in, I know.”

“When you said 'Good Day' why did everyone laugh?”

He threw his head back laughing once, teeth glinting in the sun, “Because it's always day time here, the sun never sets. Didn't I tell you?”

I gritted my teeth in annoyance, “No, you forgot to mention. Wait! What do you mean it's always day time?” I asked as his words finally sunk in.

“As in the sun never sets,” he sarcastically stated. I was pretty sure he had to be lying, the sun set and rose with every rotation of the earth. I had taken 3rd grade science- I‟m not stupid. “Oh Adele don‟t tell me that after all this you still believe all that bull crap those teachers have been telling you?” He looked at my expression and sighed muttering, “Gullible,” under his breath.

I studied Aro thinking about his life- from what I knew. He had told me about his brother Alejandro, and I knew from his eyes that he had been through a lot of pain. There was that little bit of hollowness that was always there just behind the sparkle, always present. You could only ever get that hollowness from pain, physical or mental. His long black hair blew constantly around him in the seemingly ever-present wind. I couldn‟t help but to compare him to every other guy I knew from my old life. They were hardly a comparison. All of them just seemed so immature and incompetent, like their whole life had been a joy ride and they had never taken anything seriously- or had had to.

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