Happy Birthday

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Around five minutes after she woke up, Maddie's scream echoed through Jay's apartment, followed by laughter.

"Happy birthday!" Mouse said as he swung his sister back and forth with his arms tightly around her waist.

"I hate you so much." She muttered, leaning her head back against his chest as her feet met the floor again.

"I'm sorry." Mouse apologised, placing a kiss to the top of her head.

"He's not!" Jay called from the kitchen where he was leaning against the counter drinking a coffee.

"Come on, I want you to open your presents before you go to school." Mouse said, releasing her from his grasp.

"I'm gonna give you your present after school." Jay said as he got Maddie a drink and her usual breakfast whilst she sat on the sofa with Mouse.

"It's okay if you forgot you know." Maddie said, turning slightly to face him. "I forgot until someone gave me a heart attack." She added as ever since New York her birthday had been the day Adam fostered her, December fifteenth but now she knew it was actually July thirteenth.

"I promise I didn't forget, it's just going to be better for me to give it to you after school." Jay argued.

Mouse had gotten Maddie a photo album of all the photo's their mum had of her as a kid and a necklace that she had wanted Maddie to have.

"Thank you so much." Maddie said with tears in her eyes as she wrapped her brother in a side hug.


At school, Maddie's friends gave her a load of sweets and chocolate which was almost entirely consumed in the back of their fourth period maths class because the teacher was really chill and when he caught them and they explained it was Maddie's birthday he said he would keep quiet if they gave him a chocolate button.

After school, Maddie walked to the car park, looking for Mouse's car as he often picked her up and she expected today to be the same but instead she saw Jay's.

"Hey." She said as she slid into the passenger seat.

"How was your day?" Jay asked and Maddie told him the story about the maths teacher.

"He's great." Maddie finished.

"He sounds it, my maths teacher was a pain in the ass." Jay said.

It didn't take much longer before they were pulling into the parking for Jay's apartment.

"Do you not have to work?" Maddie asked.

"Voight gave me the rest of the afternoon off." Jay said simply. "What are you doing?" He asked with a laugh as Maddie proceeded to check behind every door in the apartment.

"I don't trust Mouse not to jump out at me again." She said simply, dropping onto the couch as she was satisfied that he wasn't there.

"This is from all the guys at the district." Jay said, placing a neatly wrapped box on the coffee table in front of her.

"I'm guessing Kim wrapped it." She commented as she picked it up. "Hmm, I wonder what this could be." She said with a laugh as she ripped the paper off to reveal a shoe box. "They finally got fed up of those tattered things." She said looking over to where her converse were practically falling apart.

"Yeah, Kev and Rojas picked them out for you." He said as she pulled the trainers from their box.

"They're perfect!" Maddie said happily at the shoe that sat in her hand.

"I don't know if I can top that." Jay said confidently as he stood up to get something out from the drawers under the TV.

"I was expecting shoes from you as well." Maddie said, putting her trainers back in the box and on the floor. "Or a new coat so I'd stop stealing yours." She added as Jay sat next to her and passed her the envelope. "Jay..." She said, her jaw dropping as she pulled a plane ticket from the envelope. Her eyes darted back and forth across the document before tears clouded her vision as she saw where it was to.

"Adam's gonna meet you from the airport." Before Jay had even finished his sentence Maddie had wrapped him in a tight hug.

"You're amazing." She said with a huge smile.

"Perfect timing." Jay commented as there was a knock at the door.

"Isn't it a bit early for pizza?" Maddie assumed as Jay went to answer the door. "Adam?" Maddie said, jumping to her feet as she heard the familiar voice greet Jay.

"Woah careful." Adam said laughing as Maddie almost knocked him off his feet.

"This is the best birthday ever." Maddie declared as she pulled away from him a few moments later. "Second best." She rephrased as Adam looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm offended." Jay said, mocking hurt.

"No, don't be." Maddie quickly defended. "It's only because Adam fostered me on my birthday." 

"I'm going to meet the guys at Molly's." Jay said, placing a quick kiss to Maddie's head as he grabbed his coat. "Get a takeout and call me if you need me. And if I don't answer."

"Call Herrmann. I know." Maddie cut him off. "How is everyone? I want all the details." Maddie said, leading Adam to the couch. "How's my beautiful Lucy?"

"She's good, everyone's good. They can't wait to see you in the summer." Adam said. "Mac and Christine got married, Danny and Lindsay had another kid, a little boy, Louie. He's adorable."

"Aww." Maddie said as Adam showed her a photo.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is short, this is the second time I've written it as I wasn't happy with it the first time and I'm still not overjoyed with it.

I've ran out of places to take this story but at the same time I don't want to end it.

I'd like to do a storyline with Mouse but I have no ideas so any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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