Wanted Stalker - Episode 5

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Wanted Stalker - Jeon jungkook
Episode 5
Series by: @jjk_bm97

At school.
Y/N Pov.

I went to my locker and took my books. As I finished closing locker, I felt someone push me but someone was already behind me. The person who caught me was..... Jungkook like always. How is he always there when something bad happens to me? Then I look at the person who pushed me. It was eunha. She looked furious. She said, "you bitch! You stole my oppa after Eunwoo oppa died because of you. You never deserved Eunwoo oppa as well as jungkook oppa." jungkook helped me up and said in anger, "you're the one who's the bitch. I love her for the way she is, not because of her looks. You just like me because of my looks and not the real me. And just because Eunwoo died and she was the last one who saw him, doesn't mean that she killed him. And as she said before, do you have proof? If you do, show it right now."

She whined and said, "Oppa! What do you see in her? She's a whore who changes boys everyday. You deserve me, not this slu---" something that shocked everyone happened. Jungkook slapped her. And then he said, "don't call her that when we clearly know who the real slut is." she started crying and said, "you'll regret this!! Both of you!!" and ran away. Jungkook turned to me and asked, "are you okay? Did she hurt you anywhere?" everyone was still looking at him in shock. Whispers from them,

Student 1: "OMG did he just slap eunha?!! She's probably going to tell her dad to kick him out of the school."

Student 2: "Why did he do that to save her? Is she special to him? He did mention that he loves her."

I was still jungshook from what just happened. "Y/N!" jungkook said, taking me out of my shock. He added, "are you okay?" I nodded and said, "why did you do that? You have just told her to get away. Now she's probably going to kick you out of the school because of me." He said, "She insulted you and blamed you for something that you never even did. I had to protect you. I'll always do it for you." I blushed, hit him in his shoulder and said, "thank you but I can take care of myself." i saw he frown but I walked away.

Lunch time.
Jungkook Pov.

I was still sad from what she said before. I know she's still trying to get used to me. I'm even changing for her by stop killing people. The reason why I did it was for her. All the guys who asked her out, her crushes and her ex boyfriends. They may sound like alot but there were less than expected. Like 5-10. I saw jimin sitting in the usual table without Y/N. I went and sat next to him and asked him, "hey jimin. Where's Y/N?" he looked at me ands said, "she went to the library to study for the test in the last period." I nodded, and continued to eat. I decided to go to the library after eating. I quickly put my tray away, said bye to jimin and went there straight away.

I walk in quietly because it's a library, of course. I go around, searching for her. I finally found her in a corner with so many books. I noticed that her head was faced down. I went closer to her and saw that she was sleeping. I chuckled and sat next to her. I moved her head to my shoulder and let her sleep. I saw her smile while locking her arm with mine. I blushed and looked away. Few minutes later the bell rang. She woke up because of the sound. She rubbed her eyes and then slowly looked at me. She gasped and got up. "since when were you here?" she said. I said, "I was looking for you and jimin said you were here. I saw you sleeping here so I didn't want to disturb you." she nodded slowly while blushing. I smiled and said, "let's go to class, we might get late." she nodded and I helped her with her books. Then we went to class.

After class.
Y/N Pov.

I walked out of school, nervously. I might get bad marks for the test. I couldn't understand some of the questions. I grabbed my hair and said, "I'm dead. Dad's going to kill me." Then I felt a hand on my forehead, preventing me from walking further. I looked up and saw a tree I was about walk into. Then I turned around and saw jimin. "hey, be careful okay? What's wrong? I saw you were zoning out." he said. I sighed and said, "I'm probably going to fail the test. I couldn't understand most of the questions." he patted my head and said, "I'm sure you'll pass. Don't worry. Now, since it's the weekend, lets go get some ice cream." I smiled widely and nodded.

We went to the park to get the ice cream. I got my "kookies" and cream and we sat on a bench. I felt a stare from somewhere and it definitely wasn't jimins. I looked around but saw no one. I shrugged and kept licking my ice cream. Then jimin said, "hey, you got some on your chin." I tried wiping the spot but he said, "I'll do it for you." then he took a tissue and started wiping it. He was alittle too close but I was just uncomfortable because he's never been this close. I never like jimin in that way. He's more of an older brother to me that I never had. Afterwards, he threw the tissue and we started walking home. Little did you know, someone saw all of that in jealousy.

To be continued.....

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