Sarah's first day of school

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Y/n P.O.V~

I opened my eyes as I stretched my arms out and yawned. I looked around and saw my wife and me naked under the covers and hugged me as she used me as a pillow. I smiled as the memories of last night came back flooding into my mind. I then rubbed Leone's hair as she smiled in her sleep and kissed my chest. Leone opened her eyes and gazed at me her amber eyes as she rose and rubbed my cat ears.

Leone:" Morning darling~."

I smiled as I held Leone's cheeks as I kissed my wife held her in my arms. Leone and I broke the kiss as Leone gazed into my E/c eyes.

Y/n:" Goodmorning, Leone."

Leone:" So how did you sleep?"

Y/n:" Good, how about you?"

Leone:" Fine."

Leone laid down on top of me as she reset her head in the crook of my neck. I rubbed my hand on Leone's naked back as she closed her eyes. I tried to get up, but Leone whimpered in resistance as she gazed at me.

Leone:" Aww, can't we stay we bed~?"

I ran my fingers there Leone's golden hair as I spoke.

Y/n:" Oh, I would love to, but I think we should get dressed before the kids get up and find the two of us making out naked in bed."

Leone put her hand on my cheek as she smiled.

Leone:" Yeah, your right."

Leone and I got out of bed and began to get dressed as I exited our room. I walked down the stirs and took out a frying pan, and grabbed the pancake mix. I made the pancake mix and stirred it in the bowl until I got the right constituency, and I then powered the mix in the pan as I made the pancakes. I smiled as I put the finished pancakes onto a plate on the counter, and I began to make more pancakes. I then heard footsteps come down the steps. I turned my head to see my daughter with a sleepy look. I smiled and looked at Sarah.

Y/n:" Morning, Sarah."

Sarah:" Morning, Daddy!"

Sarah hugged my legs as I stopped cooking for a second and hugged her. I walked Sarah to the table as I pulled out a chair and sat her down. I then heard another set of footsteps coming down the stairs. Sarah turned around and spoke.

Sarah:" Morning, mommy!"

Leone giggled as she walked to the table, holding a sleeping Tomas and hugged our daughter.

Leone:" Morning, sweetie."

My wife and daughter hugged as I continued cooking. Sarah looked at her little brother as Leone smiled.

Leone:" Would you like to hold him, Sarah?"

Sarah nodded as Leone handed our son to Sarah as she held our sleeping son and gazed at him. Sarah smiled as she held her little brother.

Sarah:" I love you, little brother."

Tomas's cat ears twitched as his golden eyes opened and he looked at his sister. Tomas giggled as he reached out to his sister and touched her cat ears as Sarah laughed. I smiled at my family as I called for my wife.

Y/n:" Leone, could you help me with this?"

Leone:" Of course."

Leone took the plate and walked to the table as I took Tomas out of Sarah's arms and put him in his high chair. As we began to eat our breakfast, I looked at my daughter.

Y/n:" So Sarah, are you ready for your first day of school?"

Sarah looked down slightly and shyly smiled.

Sarah:" I know I shouldn't be, but I'm slightly nervous, and I'm worried that the other kids with make fun of my ears."

Sarah's cat ears slightly twitched.

Leone:" Sarah, it's okay to be nervous, and if the other kids make fun of you."

Leone slammed her fist into her hand as she smiled.

Leone:" Don't be afraid to show them who's boss!"

Y/n:" Leone, I told you I don't think it's good to encourage our daughter to beat up her pears."

Leone put her arms behind her head as she smiled at me.

Leone:" Yeah, your right."

I smiled as after breakfast was finished I got Sarah ready and we got into the car. I drove my daughter to school I saw her in the back seat, twiddling her thumbs in nervously. As I parked the car and walked Sarah into the school, I walked down to the classroom and saw many kids playing and two adults I assumed to be the teachers. Hand in hand, my daughter and I walked into the classroom as a red-haired woman walked towards us and bent down and looked at Sarah.

???:" Hi, are you Sarah?"

My daughter held my leg as she shyly nodded. The red-haired woman smiled at me.

???:" And you must be Y/n."

I nodded as the crimson-haired woman stood up and gazed at me.

???:" Are you here to drop her off."

Y/n:" Um-hm."

After a few minutes of filling out paperwork, I began to leave my daughter, as I told her.

Y/n:" Remember, Sarah, your aunt Blake is going to pick you up."

Sarah nodded as I kissed her forehead before leaving.

I walked back to my car as I drove to the post office where I had to send out some forms so that team KILL and I would be able to go on a dangerous mission to kill a bunch of small Grim creatures in a gigantic mess of tunnels. As I sent the form, an employee then handed me an envelope.

Y/n:" What's this?"

Employee:" Don't know, but I was told to get it to you as fast as possible."

Y/n:" Hm."

I walked out of the post office and sat in my car as I opened the envelope and read it. it said, "Dear Mr.Belladonna, it pains us to say this, but your former romantic partner Yang xiao long has escaped from maple shade correctional asylum and prison..."

My hands began to shake as I felt my heartbeat in my ears, and my breath was becoming cumbersome. I had to worn everyone!

Abusive Yandere Yang x Male husband reader x Wife LeoneWhere stories live. Discover now