Profile [1] |Old|

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(Now that you've heard what the story is about let me give you the three main characters profile but it'll be one part at a time)

Name: Ainsley Fate

Age: 20

Gender: female

Aliases: Doctor Fate, Galaxy, Stormy

Date of Birth: June 12, 1991

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Criminal record: multiple accounts of murder

Scars: the communism symbol carved into her left shoulder (she covers it up for fear people would arrest her for being a communist), a star carved into her hand

Hair colour: half blue half green

Eye colour: light blue (when using her space abilities), green (when using her time based powers), brown (normal), red (when turned evil)

Nationality: Russian

Languages: Russian, Belarusian, Tajik, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Georgian, Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Kyrgyz, English, French, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese

Powers: chronokinesis, teleportation, asterokinesis, dimension magic, clairvoyance, immunity (only lasts until her powers are out of usage), anti-gravitokinesis, astroremkinesis, psycho-lunakinesis, gravity technology, lightweight movement, gravitational blade construction

Soul words: Steve "am I that noticeable?" Tony "you are an absolute beauty, you know that?" Natasha "you need to get out of here, now." Loki "so you're the woman he warned me about but also told me to get for him" Wanda "not a wise decision to go up against us when you're working with murders." T'challa "for a woman who's had to deal with a horrible life, you are truly incredible." Nebula "I see you've managed to not help Thanos but he still killed half of the universe."

Bio: (these are secrets only you are aware of) when Ainsley was three she found a knife and carved the communist symbol into her shoulder to say that she still believes in communism despite it being destroyed (not completely but enough to put them into hiding) she got upset when she was forced to hide it until her parents told her that if they see that she carved the communist symbol on herself that they'll arrest her so she agreed to hide it from the world. At the age of six she found another knife and carved a star into herself which when that happened and the teachers saw they did an investigation on her mother but discovered that she didn't do it but it was her herself that did it which resulted in her being forced to stay in her room where she began to have dark thoughts about her classmates. Six years later she stopped having those dark thoughts after she killed fifty of her classmates with her powers (as you know this was before the knowledge of inhumans) the police tried to subdue her but she broke free by turning back time so she could escape. When she was fourteen she was found by shield. She eventually admitted to shield that the way she killed the students wasn't because of her mastered assassin skills but because she had used her powers which control space and time.

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