Profile [2] |Old|

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Name: Anton Fate

Age: 20

Gender: male

Aliases: Mastermind, Светлая Тень (the Blaze Shadow) , Смерть (Death)

Date of birth: June 12, 1991

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Criminal record: stalking, involuntary manslaughter

Scars: right cheek, three cuts (that mysteriously opens up) on his back, missing right hand (he had to change his writing hand after that incident)

Hair colour: orange

Eye colour: orange (when using soul powers), yellow (when using mind abilities), emerald green (normal), black (evil)

Nationality: Russian

Languages: Russian, Spanish, English, French, Polish, Norwegian, Belarusian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, German, Estonian

Powers: pyschíkinesis, life absorption, inner beast transformation, hybrid soul (the ability to use or contain multiple souls), astrakinesis, spirit magic, spiritual force manipulation, cosmic awareness, mind control, memory absorption, illusion manipulation, telekinesis, telepathic communication, precognition, memory manipulation

Soul words: Loki "for a midgardian you are quite the fighter." Clint "sorry but it's necessary that I retrieve Loki." Bruce "this all seems horrible." Bucky "you're my mission." Pietro "catch me if you can." Peter Parker "oh hey your the one called Mastermind, I-I've heard of a lot of good thing about you, I'm Spider-Man by the way." Peter Quill "so you're supposed to be a guardian of the universe? Well I'm Star Lord a guardian of the galaxy."

Bio: Anton was two when he was also under attack by his father during this time he discovered his powers and used it to escape his fathers attacks (he was already capable of doing stuff that a normal two year old couldn't do) he kept begging his mother to get him and his sisters away from their father he was lucky that he did that as it helped his mother try to keep a close eye on them and see if anything appears and luckily she caught the father in the act. Three years after that and he's been found by shield because of he's in high school already and at such a young age too. He learned how to deal with the network and discovered some secrets on accident like how a lot of these shield agents, are also hydra agents. Those one he avoided the most only when they are needed to communicate with each other is when he didn't avoid them. At the age of fourteen is when he was reunited with his sisters and begin to fight for real, he took it extremely serious and began to communicate often with those hydra agents. The moment he discovered his sister, the one he was trying to protect all this time, was forced into becoming a hydra agent he was furious and wanted them dead so badly that he secret takes off and kills them off. Sometimes he makes the hydra agents in shield tremble in fear because of what he's done.

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