Profile [3] |Old|

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Name: Adeline Fate

Age: 20

Gender: female

Aliases: Reality Bender, Madam Power, Chaos

Date of birth: June 12, 1991

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Criminal record: clean record

Scars: on both eyes (her left eye is completely blind), she also has scars all over her body and arms

Hair colour: red fading into purple

Eye colour: red (when using reality bending abilities), purple (when using powerful abilities), diamond blue (normal), crimson (evil)

Nationality: Russian

Languages: Arabic, Russian, Hebrew, Kurdish, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Korean, Indonesian, English, Spanish, French

Powers: luck manipulation, reality manipulation, karma induction, force of will (manipulating an event that occurred), distortion (distorting reality and changing everything), reality warping, invisibility, teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, shapeshifting, super strength, super speed

Soul words: Thor "for a young maiden you have quite the fighting skills." Natasha "you need to get out of here, now." Loki "a young maiden like you, shouldn't be here fighting against me but be fighting for me." Wanda "we need your help, you're the only one who can help us defeat ultron and Tony Stark before the world is destroyed." Shuri "how would you have the knowledge of what others may consider high technology?" Gamora "I'm surprised to meet someone who fights with a sword."

Bio: When Adeline was two years old her father would cut her with a knife for being 'rude' to Ainsley (the father always favoured Ainsley because she was the one he named) which caused Adeline to have a bit of a mental breakdown each time she got in trouble at school which caused the father to be arrested it was also because her mother witnessed him doing that. She was scarred for life especially since when he cut her one day she had gotten cut in the eyes one which caused her to be blind. Seven years later she's back to being normal and bend reality to save those in need which various people thought that she was the cause of the attacker attacking them but she proved to them that she's the one who saved the people. At the age of fourteen she was found by shield and taken in to learn how to actually fight like a master assassin she began to reveal that she had turned out almost emotionless as the only emotion she has is that of love. As she became older she also became more aware of the threats ahead and the secret threat of Hydra as she had overheard thirteen hail hydra's happen in different bases and one tried to kidnap her and convince her to join their cause or she'll be killed by them if she didn't so she decided to join them but betray them every step of the way by telling this information to her brother and sister.

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