The old newbies

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{ At Piper's house: Piper's pov}

I'm just about ready to leave when I get a message from Finn asking if I want a ride to the studio. 

{Finn and Piper's text conversation}

F: Morning Pipes, do you want a ride to the studio today? 

P: Morning Finn, I would but James has insisted on taking me today. I'm really sorry, I would say yes but you know James by now, if I try to change his mind, he gets angry. 

F: That's okay. I'll see you there! 

P: I'm really sorry again Finn, see ya!

Message left read at at 8:15 am...

"Piper lets go, your going to be late!" James yells as I take my first step on the stairs. I reply to him with, " I'm coming jeez! It's not like your still on A-troupe!" "Oh yeah i forgot to tell you, since Eldon is out of town, Emily asked me to choreograph a duet for dance mania". OMG what did he just say? I thought to myself before answering. "Wait what? Your only telling me this now?" "Pipes its not my fault, Emily just asked me last night. Now come on lets go!" As James if finishing his sentence we head to the car. The car ride feels longer then usual since we basically just had another argument. Half way through the car journey James gets a call. 

{ At the studio: Emily's pov } 

Nick and I have been waiting on James and Piper for a long time and i'm losing patience. "Okay, that's it,I give up! I practically yell in front of everyone. "Emily calm down" Nick says turning to me. "Wait, who are we waiting for anyways, Josh is already here because my family is ALWAYS on time." I now see a small grin on Nick's face. I just ignore it and roll my eyes at him like usual. "Ugh, I've given in, I'm calling him". I saw Nick's mouth move but he didn't say anything as I put my hand in front of his face to stop him from talking again. 

Ring. Ring. Ring, 

"James! Where the hell are you?" I ask furiously, "We're be there as soon as you hang up the phone"  James replies with. In my head I think, what does that even mean. But then the doors swing wide open.

{ Amy's pov }

Emily just announced that we're getting a new member to a-troupe. Well, she said that Nick insisted and she didn't want to fight him on it. I'm so confused right now, but even more confused when I notice that Piper still isn't here yet. I'm going to ask Finn if he knows anything. "Hey Finn, do you know where Piper is? She's not here yet and i'm getting worried".  "Hey Amy, no I don't sorry." Finn replies. I was just about to go back to where I was a minute ago but Finn stopped me by saying, "Wait, she told me that she was getting dropped of by her..." Finn gets interrupted by a loud bang near the cubbies. We both turn to look and it's Piper and her older brother. "THIS PLACE IS JUST AS I REMEMBER!" "OMG do you have to be so annoying everywhere we go?!" Piper asks her brother with an angry and annoyed toned. But as soon as she sees Finn, she calms down. "Where the hell have you two been? Your ten minutes late and Piper you've never been late before" Emily speaks to the two siblings. "Sorry Emily I wont be late again, and James took a route of what he thought was a short cut but turn out not to be." As Piper is telling this to Emily, James rolls his eyes. As soon as Piper finishes James then says, "I'm sorry if I don't have the map of Toronto in the back of my head! And anyways, it's not only my fault, you were taking your time." "Yeah because that's how I get ready and you woke me up late this morning!" "Well next time..." As we are watching Piper and James fight, we can all tell that Emily has had enough of it because she buts in and says, "Okay,okay! We don't need you two arguing all day. Luckily you weren't on a-troupe at the time." Emily says seriously but jokenly. 

{ Piper's pov }

I hate arguing with James, and arguing with him in front of my team is the worst. "Anyways, Piper, we have a new addition to the team because of Nick. I'm sure you remember Josh." Emily says whilst pointing at him What, why is he here, I thought he moved away. This is not going to be good. But hopefully I'm just over thinking things. "Y-yeah, I remember him." I say nervously. Josh then waves back to me and then I make my way over to Amy and Finn. "You never told me he was back." The whole team went into conversation so that's why I said that to Amy. Amy lowers her voice and replies with, " I'm sorry, he just came in this morning. I would have warned you but were not allowed our phones in rehearsals remember?" "yeah I remember." "Wait Pipes, what's wrong about having Josh here?" Finn asks. Oh shoot, i forgot to tell him. Before answering Amy and I look at each other and then at Finn and we say, "Nothing." I can tell by Finn's look that he doesn't believe us. "Okay so instead of auditioning for the DM duet, I'm just going to tell you who I've..." Nick cuts Emily of by saying, "WE picked" "Yes by who WE picked." "Wait, what does DM mean?" Josh asks, I don't want to answer him but luckily Kingston does, although it's a stupid answer. "It means instagram messages, but why are we doing are dance for that?" "KINGSTON!" Lily shouts, "She obviously means dance mania! Why do you come up with some stupid answers all the time?" Oh no, I know where this is going. "If you think my answers are stupid then you think i'm stupid." Henry knowing where this is going as well steps in and says,"N! Your not going to break up for the millionth time!" Everyone fell silent and looked at Lily and Kingston. With a look in both of their eyes, they'd seem to be happy with each other again. "Again, we don't need ANY arguing from anyone! Also, I'm not going to hold auditions for the duet because dance mania is a couple weeks away. So the duet is going to"...

Author's notes: I hope you liked my first chapter! If you did, I'm sorry it's short. The next chapter is the longest I think. If your reading this, thank you so much for reading my book! I appreciate it!

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