Drama and Comfort

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{ Finn's pov } 

Henry and I didn't go anywhere for break since I didn't want to move. Once everyone was back, they ran through the routine again, but Henry stuck with me. After they did the dance again, I heard more arguing. In my head I just thought, great. 

{ Richelle's Pov }

I said what I said. I know it was mean but it's also sort of true. After we dance the routine from having a break Amy starts shouting at me again. I know she's Piper's best friend but she doesn't need to yell in my face for it. "Look, Richelle. Dance captain isn't just make a dance look perfect, its also about how you treat and support your team!  Have you ever thought of that?" "Yes but still, an  aerial is a simple move EVERYONE should be able to do one." I retaliate. Amy then states. "It doesn't matter if you can nail a simple move every time, it doesn't matter if you don't always win, it matters if we are here for the same passion, treat each other nicely and fairly then we should be able to win without the dance parts." "I'm sorry Amy but Richelle's right!" Kenzie states. Amy was about to protest but Kenzie put her hand up to stop her. Kenzie then continued, " I mean, everyone can do an aerial even if you can't do acro." She states and that's a very good point. "Finn did tell us that Piper landed it when they were rehearsing and Finn doesn't lie. Especially when it's about Piper." Amy does have a point there but still. 

{ Amy Pov }

I know i'm not the one who Richelle is talking about but because it's my best friend i'm so angry. Whenever something upsets Piper I get upset too. And the other way around. I look over at Finn and Henry and Finn looks distraught.  I'm backing Piper up every way possible but knowing James isn't back yet, I'm getting worried. 

{ Piper's Pov }

When I run out of studio A I think of the first place that would be empty. On my way there I feel my tears running down my face. I can't believe what just happened. As I come closer to the music room I hear music. Shit, I thought it was empty. I totally forgot that James's band came here every one in awhile. I'm not turning back now though.  I pace in and just walk left to right, right to left. The music suddenly stops. They've spotted me. "Hey Piper, you okay" One of the boys said. I just got of the phone with Finn and now I'm just stood there, not knowing what to do. A few seconds after hanging up from Finn I hear one of the boys say y brother's name. I don't know why. I then drop my phone and fall because I'm crying so much. Half way in the fall I feel someone's arms around me. I look up so I can see who it is. 

{ James's Pov }

I enter the music room to see my littler sister falling to the ground. I run to catch her and luckily i do. As I slowly sit down she puts her head in my chest and cries even more if possible. I hate seeing her like this. "Hey Pipes, it's going to be okay. I promise." I whisper. She nods her head like I'm lying. I look up to Luke, Theo and John standing there in shock. I started brushing her hair with my hand( this usually helps when she's stressed). After a few minutes  she stops crying but still has a few tears left. I start wiping them of. I then question softly. " Do you want to go home or to mine?" I know the answer because Piper spends most of her time either and mine and Riley's or hanging with Finn. "Y-yours" She says as I predicted. "Is there anyone you want to say good bye to?" A second goes by with no response. "Y-yes. Could you get Finn please? I'll be fine here on my own" I reassure her that I'm not leaving her on her own just after what happened. "I'll go and get him but i'm not leaving you alone. Guys?" The guys come to comfort Piper and I leave to get Finn.

It takes a little longer to get to studio A then usual because of the recent event playing in my head. I opened the doors to the studio and I hear a subtle argument but then Emily notices me. "James? Everything okay?" She asks me with hope. I don't know what to answer so I just reply with. "Umm, yeah they will be but Finn can you come with me a sec? Piper wants you." Finn hears me and stands up and agrees, so he follows behind me. 

'{ Finn's Pov }

When James tells me Piper wants me I honestly feel relieved because that means he found her. I follow behind James and we walk down a corridor that I don't recognize. As we entered what looks like a music room I see three boys comforting Piper. My heart breaks to see her in this much pain. "Pipes?" I question softly. The boys stand up and walk next to James. I then sit down and hold Piper in my arms to protect her. "Finn?" She says softly. "Hey Pipes, it's okay, I'm here now. " I say as softly as possible. After a few seconds James bends down and says, " I'm going to call mom to.." Piper cuts him of by saying, "No please don..." This time James cuts Piper of. "I'm going to call mom that your sleeping at mine tonight okay?" Piper doesn't reply much, just with a nod. James and the other guys were leaving a second later. A few seconds after the door shuts Piper starts to speak. 

{ Finn and Piper's conversation }

P: "Thank you"

F: "For what?" 

P: " For everything" 

F: I hug Piper tighter and said, "Your welcome.. Just know that I'm always going to be here for you okay?" 

P: "Okay and I'm always going to be here for you too."

{ piper's Pov } 

Only a second after I finished speaking, my lips are touching Finn's. The moment was perfect, the kiss was perfect. Or  it could of been. When I hear the door open I pull away leaving a really confused looking Finn. I'm guessing he didn't hear the door as he leans in again, I stop him and then we hear someone say, "I'm guessing by that your okay now." James says jokingly. Even though he's not wrong. I try not laugh but half fail since a slight giggle came out of me. Whenever I giggle it seems to always make Finn giggle which to be honest, makes no sense to me. But I love hearing his laugh and seeing him happy. "We should probably get going now." James starts to say. " I'll message Riley in the car." Finn stands and crabs my wrists to help me up. Once I'm up I thank him. He then locks our hands together and I smile up to him. We then proceed on following James to the car. 

A/N: Thank you to everyone who is reading and voting and commenting on here. It means the world becase it makes me so happy to know people are liking my book! So thank you!! 

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