The first two rounds

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A/N: Before I start this chapter, I've decided to change the room settings thingy. So instead of all the girls in one its, Amy, Piper and Lily in one and in the other one it's Kenzie and Richelle. And for the boys it's Henry and Finn sharing, whilst Kingston, Heath and Ozzy are in the other. Sorry if this chapter is bad, I have no idea what to write. 

{Lily's Pov }

I've been awake for a little bit now, all of us girls have. "Are you guys hungry because I am." Amy says. "I could eat." I start. "Piper, what about you?" "Uh what?" She says looking up from her phone. "Let me guess, messaging Finn?" Amy says. "Maybe." Amy and I both roll our eyes but laugh a little at the same time until we heard the door. "Not it!" Me and Amy say at the same time. "I'll get it then." Piper says making me and Amy laugh again. Piper opens the door and you'll never guess who it is. 

{Piper's Pov }

As I open my door I find my very cute boyfriend standing outside. "Hey Finn." I say happily. "Hey Pipes." He says as both of his hands go to my waist whilst I go on my tipy toes and put my arms around his neck. We lean in at the same time making our lips meet in the middle. As our lips connect I smile into the kiss. Whenever I kiss Finn the whole world seems to fade away, and I think it's the same for him because he brings hands from my waist to my thigh signaling that he was about to pull me up so I can wrap my legs around his body, I sigh into him but then I feel a pillow thrown at me. I pull away quickly  and I turn around to see that Lily is pointing at Amy and is about to say something. "She threw it." "No I didn't that was you!" Amy exclaims. "Okay fine but only because we don't need to see you guys make out in the hall way. Or anywhere in fact." Lily says. I shake my head laughing a little turning back to Finn, "So, not that I'm mad that your here but why are you?" "Well Pipes, I just wanted to check on you but it seems like your more then okay." Okay Finn is like the best boy friend ever. I giggle as I interlock my hands with  both of his and say, "I'm okay thank  you." He kiss the top of my fore head and we hear Lily speak up, "Can we go for food now?" We all agree and we head towards where the break feast is. Finn and I walk there holding hands like usual. 

We're eating breakfast at a very long table that's a the back, the breakfast is here is amazing! I know it's just hotel food but it's in PARIS. After breakfast Emily speaks up, "Okay A - troupe, today we have the small group and then tonight is the duet round. So are you guys ready?" She said ovbiously aiming the question towards me, Finn and the Funder Bros as they call them self. We all give her the same answer which is yes, she then says we have two hours before the group dance and 6 hours before the duet. I'm so lucky the duet round is later tonight, all though, I would prefer it to be tomorrow so I have more time but we've rehearsed enough. i just don't want to mess up like at regionals, and get us a low score, or worse, by losing the round and only half the team getting to dance or... I'm brought out of my thoughts by Finn thankfully, by now we are on our way back to our rooms, the rest of the group rent ahead when Finn pulled me aside stopping in his tracks. "Pipes, hey you okay?" He asks grabbing my hand gently, "Yeah - yeah. I'm fine." I didn't mean to but I kind of snapped. "Hey, it's okay, your going to nail it tonight okay." He said pulling me into a hug. I can  never hide my feelings from Finn, even when I try and lie to make sure he doesn't worry about me. 

When we pull away from the hug he leans down and kisses me softly on my lips, its slow but quick. We pull away gently and very slowly, Finn then puts his fore head on mine, "You better now?" He asks. "Yeah, thank you." I chuckle. "Guys, we're heading to the pull! You coming?" We turn to see Heath near the boys' room, Finn and I turn to him and my boyfriend looks at me and says, "Up to you." "Yeah, it'll be fun." 

{ Finn's Pov }

We've been at the pool for half an hour now, Emily told us we could only stay for an hour since she wants EVERYONE watching all performances. Piper and I haven't gone in the pool that much, we went in three times for around 15 minutes. Right now I'm sitting on a sun bed with Pipes right next to me cuddled up. Her head is leaned against my chest, whilst I have my arms around her waist holding her and never wanting to let go. I planted a soft and gentle kiss on her forehead and she lifter her head up to see me and just smile. "Have I told you lately that your really beautiful?"  I tell her. All she does is smile and then says, "Well have I told you lately that your really cute and handsome?" I smile and berry my face into her hair, she giggles and takes my hands and interlocks her fingers with mine. "I love you." I say, " I love you too Finn." She leans up and connects our lips. When ever I kiss Piper I don't think about anything, apart from the moment and her. She pulls away after a few seconds and puts her head back onto my chest whilst I pull her even closer.  

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