Bullet (A Modern Attack on Titan Fan fiction)

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The parabolic curve of the bullet spun in a perfect arc and hit the dummy where its brain should be.

"Good Work, but why aim for the brain?"
"Because brain damage in a certain area causes immediate death, shutting down the body quicker than a bullet to the heart."

A new detective has come to the area of police called the Survey Corps.
Her odd and upbeat personality is unusual for one of her position.
She is never serious.
But could that happiness be hiding her tereible past, her real self?
Soon, a new case comes to the Survey Corps and only one says they know how to solve it.

The woman who changes whenever she fires a bullet.

Stone Heart.
Is what makes a good detective.
Add love, and that is what makes...


This is a modern Attack On Titan Fanfiction that does not include andy part in the storyline. There may or may not be romance, depending on views and comments.

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