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Me and Kook were snuggled down on the bed together. Completely naked I may as-well mention. We had both just come down from our climaxes and everything was so peaceful and quiet. All my energy had been drained where as he seemed fit enough for another round. I could tell he would have offered had he not seen my exhausted look. 'You ok kitten?' He whispers, gently tucking my hair behind my ear. 'Yeah just a little cold' I reply tightening my hold around his waist and getting my head more comfortable on his chest.

I listened to his steady heart beat and enjoyed his scent that had filled the room. It's almost as if every time he becomes excited or protective of me, he gives off his strong aroma, like a warning to others. I liked how it lingered in the air, the sheets and his clothes.

'If you continue to look at me like that I won't be able to stop myself.' He warns letting out a growl and tightening his grip on me. He proceeds to bury his face into my neck, letting his breath fan my mark. 'The smell of your arosal...' he starts then pauses to take in a heavy inhale of me. '...does crazy things to me kitten' he coos then relaxing his body as if he had just taken a hit of drugs and was enjoying the high.

I can only imagine how red my cheeks must have been. I feel like the mate bond makes everything 10 times more powerful. Including my ability to be flustered above all comprehension of where I am. 'Go to sleep baby, we have plans tomorrow' he whispers against my skin. 'Ok, night Kook' I reply closing my eyes and enjoying the warm covers. 'Night sweetheart' is the last thing I hear before I drift off.


"Orange juice or milkshake?" My mate says holding up each carton in either hand. There is silence for a second as I think but then decided on Orange juice. Kookie has forced me to sit down on a chair by the counter. After last night he was treating me like a delicate flower that could wither and crumble at any touch that was too rough.

"I'm tired but that doesn't mean im incapable of doing things by myself." I complain, resting my head on my hand. He chuckles a little and shakes his head. "Just sit and enjoy the show kitten." He pokes while multitasking. He was cooking and cleaning as he went at a very fast pace. I mean I'm not complaining. It's giving me a good opportunity to watch his bare chest muscles flex. "So what are the plans today?" I question then leaning back in my chair as he places a plate of food in front of me. "Get something in you then I'll tell you." He replies while taking the seat next to me and taking a bite of some toast. I pout but begin to eat. I have been asking what we are doing today ever since I woke up but he still won't say a word...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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