Chapter 3- Second First Visits

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"Do you think he'll like it?" Shouta said, the small plush bear tight in his arms as he and Hizashi drove to the orphanage.

They were going to have their first official meeting with Izuku, get to learn more about him and see if they were a good match. If they were, then they would move forward with the adoption process. It all depends on today and both husbands were feeling the pressure like a heavy rock sitting atop their chest.

Hizashi was barely holding it together, but he was doing all he can to be strong for Shota. He had to be strong, he had to be there for him.

"He's gonna love it." Hizashi breathed out as his hands tightly gripped the wheel. If this doesn't go well...


It'll be fine.

Hizashi hoped Shouta would fail to notice how white his knuckles were.


Izuku was a really quiet kid. Like deadly quiet. It was kind of freaky at first, but nevertheless, they were having fun.

When Izuku saw Shouta and Hizashi walk through the door, he walked up to them and stuck his fist out wide as if he was handing something to Shouta. So he opened his palm, and Izuku proceeded to drop a tiny, smushed, warm blueberry into his palm. As if he was saying, 'I forgive you.' And Shouta had to hold back tears as he closed his fist around the smashed blueberry.

"Thank you." And if anyone heard the way his voice cracked, they didn't comment on it.

Izuku nodded and then grabbed Hizashi's finger and pulled him over to a corner, his heart filling with happiness as the child brought him to a section of the rug that had a bunch of Pro Hero figures displayed on the floor. Shouta followed in suit, his blueberry protected in his pocket.

After they all sat down, Izuku handed the Present Mic figurine to Hizashi and the Eraserhead figurine to Shota. He chose the All Might figurine for himself.

Shouta smiled to himself,

At least he knows who we are, somewhat.

"Who's your favorite hero?"

Izuku stared at him for a second before lifting up his All Might figure. It makes sense, considering Izuku is wearing an All Might pajama set.

They played with the figures for a little while, All Might beat all the villains because he's the best, or at least that's what Shouta and Hizashi concluded by the way Izuku fought and played their game.

"Mr. and Mr. Yamada, if we could speak to you." One of the social workers called from the door, and they both nodded before standing to their feet.

Izuku seemed pretty engrossed in his figures so they took it as a good moment to leave but when they got to the entrance, the social worker started to laugh.

It's only then that they realized they had a little follower. Shouta looked down to see tiny Izuku following behind with his All Might figure in one hand and Shota's pants leg in another. He had the figure's arm in his mouth as he looked up at Shouta as if he was saying:

What? I'm coming too.

And Shouta couldn't find the heart to tell him no.

"Izuku, do you think you could play with Molly for a little while?" The social worker asked, bending to his height. He stared at her for a minute before letting go of Shota's pant leg and leaving to take a seat next to a girl with brown curls.

"He's so... obedient." Hizashi noted in quiet shock and awe. From what he knows so far, Izuku is two and from the few kids he's babysat, they're always a terror at this age, but Izuku is the opposite.

Quiet, obedient. Kind.

He wonders what kind of kid he will be when he's older. A rebel? Shy? Outgoing?

"He is around new people, that is. Come with me. We can talk more in my office."

Hizashi and Shouta followed the dark-haired woman down the hall, their hands linked together and their hearts filling with the hope of soon bringing little Izuku home.


All in all, it was a pretty good meeting. There were still so many steps they had to take like home visits, classes, counseling.

But they disclosed some information about his past, biological family and how that would come into play later, they discussed behaviors to watch out for, and what allergies or illnesses he would be prone to, and steps they could take to make him more comfortable in their home.

It was pretty unorthodox since they had already gone through the classes the first time, but they were prepared to do whatever was asked of them to make sure they would be ready to the best of their ability.

The worker ensured them that this would not be easy. He would test their patience at times, and they'd all have a lot of adjusting to do, but it would be worth it.

Shouta found Hizashi's hand under the table as they signed the last paper to retake their parenting class.

They've got this.



- Things are in motion! 

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