Part II appendix

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Case notes:           Doctor Lynda Marsh

Consulting physician, de-Hib dept.

Date:                      August 20, 2048

Patient:  Noah Bale, Caucasian male, age 48

On Thursday 15/08 the patient underwent a non-routine procedure to repair trauma previously sustained by the brain stem. The procedure was successful and Noah regained consciousness some four hours later. His condition continues to improve. Motor skills appear fully restored. Speech therapy will be commenced later this week. Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy are scheduled for the week commencing 28th.

Noah was rendered unconscious aged ten by injuries sustained in an automobile accident in 2010 that killed his father, his only surviving family member after the suicide of his mother earlier that year. He later fell into a coma and was subsequently retained for storage and long-term treatment by the Hibs team. Although he is now 48, Noah has spent the preceding thirty eight years in secure palliative care within various facilities, where he was exposed to none of the geo-engineering fallout of the last twenty years. As such, he presents as an excellent candidate for the Re-fertility programme. He will be introduced to beta-tested potential female candidates as soon as he is mobile, communicating and re-socialised.

Noah is the last of the 239 candidates that we have been able to secure for the Re-fertility treatment programme. His predicted success probability is high - in the range 70-80%. On a personal note, however, I cannot help but find it noteworthy that in spite of all the scientific progress of recent years, biological survival of the species should hinge on a young boy caught up in such a random sequence of events. I only hope that he is not too late.

If the radiance of a thousand suns

Were to burst at once into the sky,

That would be like the splendour of the Mighty One...

I am become Death,

The shatterer of Worlds.

The Bhagavad-Gita

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