Guardians of the Galaxy

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Y/N let out a few coughs after the Dark Aster crashed into Xandar, the remains of the large ship laying everywhere. He looked around himself and could barely see as the dust overcame the entire area around him. He could hear that the Milano was somehow still playing music but he didn't paid much attention to it. The dust finally settled and he could see that everyone else were laying on the ground as well, bruised but still alive.

He quickly shifted his attention when his eyes caught the sight of sticks and branches that used to be Groot in the distance. He crawled towards them and gentle picked one stick up. He let out a quiet, sounding like he was moments from bursting into tears, "Groot..."

He wasn't the only one mourning over the remains of Groot. Rocket did too. The talking raccoon picked up one branch and hung his head low, "I called him an idiot..."

It was when everyone, including the residents of Xandar that gathered around them heard the footsteps coming from the wreckage. Everyone turned to the source of the sound and could only stare as Ronan emerged from the remains of his ship, barely scratched by the crash. 

Rocket growled as he jumped back on his feet, "You killed Groot!"

Y/N's eyes were filled with rage as he jumped back to his feet as well and charged at Ronan, "I'll kill you!"

Neither of them even had a chance to reach Ronan. His hammer simply send a shockwave towards them, sending both of them flying aside. Y/N grunted in pain as he and Rocket crashed into a piece of wreckage of the Dark Aster.

"Behold!" Ronan exclaimed, gesturing towards Quill and Gamora, "You're Guardians of the Galaxy! What fruit have they wrought? Only that my father and his father shall finally know vengeance. People of Xandar, the time has come to rejoice and renounce your paltry gods!" He raised his hammer in the air over his head, the Power Stone shining brightly, "Your salvation is at hand!"

The residents of Xandar could only stare in horror and fear as he was about bring his hammer down, with only one intention of destroying their planet, but  he stopped when he heard something.

"Ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier." A voice started singing, "Ooh-oo child, things'll get brighter."

He slowly lowered his hammer and turned to the voice to see Peter Quill on his feet. He proceeded to sing and dance to the rhytm of the music playing in the Milano as Ronan stared at him completely dumbfounded, but wasn't the only one. Gamora titled her head, looking confused just as much as Ronan was.

"What are you doing?" He asked, not hiding his confusion.

"Dance-off, bro. Me and you." Quill said, as if it wasn't obvious enough, making some poor dances moves with a kick and his hands. He reached his hand to Gamora, asking her to join him, to which Gamora quickly shook her head, "Subtle. Take it back."

"What are you doing?" Ronan repeated himself, this time sounding more angry and demanding.

Quill had a huge smile on his face when he said, "I'm distracting you, you big turd blossom." 

It was Ronan heard the sound of someone readying his weapon behind him. He quickly turned to the source of this sound and saw Drax, Rocket and Y/N, the tattooed man holding the Hadron Enforcer. Rocket and Y/N glared at the Kree, before connecting two wires together. The weapon fired and destroyed the entire upper half of the hammer, freeing the Power Stone. 

Quill quickly leaped himself forward, reaching his hand towards the Power Stone, hearing Gamora shout to him, "No!"

Ronan gritted his teeth as he reached out for the Power Stone as well, but Quill was quicker than him and the human clenched his fist over the Infinity Stone. A small shockwave knocked everyone off their feet as purple and blue clouds surrounded all of them. Quill screamed in absolute agony as the Power Stone slowly began to destroy his body. Y/N removed his arm from his eyes and saw Quill standing a few meters away from him, his left hand glowing purple as his body was starting to crack to which Ronan just smiled at his pain.

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