Chapter One: The One Where She Crosses

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"Oh god," I whispered as air rushed in and out of my lungs, burning my throat with every breath.

I concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other, trying not to trip over fallen logs and exposed roots as I ran. All around me, the forest lay dormant, the once comforting scenery twisted into a horrible nightmare. The thought of that mangled creature's body touching mine was enough to make my legs run faster, despite the exhaustion I felt in every millimeter of my body. My blood pounded through my veins until I could hear my heartbeat like a frantic drummer without a rhythm. I didn't have to look behind me to know what was chasing me. I would remember that image for the rest of my life. Its grey flesh littered with small cuts; Black sludge had oozed from the abrasions on its skin. Its long stringy hair blocking most of its facial features, but not its teeth. The creature's teeth had been stained red with blood-and not its own. The blood belonged to the small young woman the beast had been chomping on like she was an all-night buffet.

I made a sharp left into the brush. If I could just make it inside my house, I'd be safe. My mom and dad would protect me. My mom would call the cops, as my dad rendered my attacker unconscious. If only I could get there. Small branches scraped against my skin as I ran, but I didn't pay any mind to the pain.

I broke through the woods and couldn't help the relief that swept through my body. Almost there. Suddenly, a heavyweight fell on my back, taking me to the ground. I screamed as I tried to crawl out from underneath the creature, but it was too heavy, and I was too exhausted from running. I felt its sharp nails dig into my exposed skin as it held my squirming body underneath it. The creature hissed behind me its spittle landing on the back of my neck.

More tears slipped from my eyes to soak into the dirt and grass beneath me.

"Get off of me!" I yelled as I tried to throw my body to one side, but it was no use. The creature stayed perched on my back. I felt its hot breath against the skin of my neck a moment before its teeth pressed painfully against my neck. Not enough to break through the flesh but just enough to make me vitally aware of where my neck was. I struggled with a new urgency in its grip, trying to throw the creature off or at least dislodge its mouth. Instead of letting me go, the creature bit down harder. I felt the first drop of blood slide down my skin into the soil beneath me.

I felt more than heard the deep vibrations coming from its chest. Blood seeped from the wound as the vibrations in the creature's chest increased. I had a terrifying realization. It was purring. The creature behind me, about to kill me, was purring because it liked the taste of my blood.

"HELP!" I cried. Adrenaline coursed through my system, giving added strength to my weakened struggles.

However, it was useless. The creature held me underneath its body, not seeming to even notice my struggles anymore.

The pain in my neck radiated down my spine as I thrashed my body to the side. I felt the creature's weight disappear off my back, and without conscious thought, I scrambled up and ran towards my house. I could feel the blood dripping down my neck and arm as I ran, but I had other things to worry about.

I ran up the hill on the side of the house, frustrated with how the steep incline hindered my pace. I turned right, running across our driveway and onto the little stone path that led to our front door. I threw open the screen door, fumbling with the doorknob on the second door. When it twisted, I almost collapsed relief. I ran inside, shutting the big wooden door. I quickly turned around, running down the hall towards my bedroom.

"MOM, DAD!" I screamed as I ran down the brown hallway of our house. Panic laced my voice. I didn't doubt my attacker would get through the locked door. I had seen too many crime shows-I knew locks could be kicked open.

When no one answered, I felt a second wave of fear rush through my system. This was how I would die. Fresh tears streamed down my cheeks. God, I didn't want to die. I was only in high school. I had so much left to live for. I hadn't gone to prom or been on a date. I hadn't had that one kiss that blows all the other guys out of the water. I wanted to see my brother grow up and go to prom. I wanted to go to college and become a vet. I wanted all of those things.

I ran into my room, my blue, pink, and green comforter, a welcome sight. I threw myself onto my bed. I knew what I was doing did not make any sense, but like something else entirely was compelling my body, I climbed under the covers searching for the kind of safety I had felt laying under my blankets as a little girl.

I lay under my covers, paralyzed with fear. I could hear the creature walking down the hallways. I stayed still, not even daring to breathe. My lungs burned from lack of oxygen, but not even that pain could force me to take a breath.

My breath shuddered out of my lips as I took what I knew to be my last breath.   

Authors Note: 

Hope everyone loved the first installment of Affliction. This story will be updated daily :) 

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