Ask Scotland the Brave!

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The red haired man frowned as he sat in the chair, his bright green eyes glaring daggers at the short, stubby, middle aged man before him with the same expression that many had come to associate with death. The middle aged man fidgeted in his seat, clearing his throat as he hugged his messenger bag to his chest.

"S-So, in order to i-improve your public relations h-her royal Majesty has d-decided th-that you shall answer q-questions from fellow nations and humans alike," the man finally managed to stutter out. A fine red eyebrow was raised, and the piercing green gaze never left the other man.

The personification of Scotland pulled out a pack of fags, sliding one out of the box, as his green eyes reduced the human before him to a stuttering mess. He placed the fag between his lips, and lighted it, a smirk curling the corners of his lips, as he leaned forward, blowing out a thin stream of smoke.

"That sae? An' whit if Ah decide nae tae dae it?" the man whimpered, holding his bag up as though it would protect him from the Celtic nation.

"H-Her majesty says if you don't reply... She'll have you placed in a room, with a drunk and armed England, in the mind set of his Middle Age self..." Scotland blinked, before leaning back and chuckling, though there was an unease to it. 

"Roight. Well, Ah suppose Ah donnae have a choice. Damn old fanny Queen... Git oot." The human let out a high pitched scream as something dark flicked over Scotland's face, standing up, and running from the room. Scotland sighed, and looked over at the man holding the camera that was documenting everything the whole time. "Ye can edit the fanny Queen part oot, aye? Donnae need a sober modern England breakin' doon me door again."

The camera moved up and down as the Scotsman nodded, grinning at his country. "Aye, Ah can."

Scotland blew out a cloud of dark smoke, looking as contempt as a well fed cat. "Good. Sae Ah suppose Ah should ask the audience tae send in their letters noo?" Another nod. "Roight. Sae whoever is watching this, ye better hurry up and send in yer questions and stuff. The sooner this is over, the sooner Ah can return tae feckin' England over*." 

{*That means conning him, or cheating him. Not actually fucking him. Though with Scotland, you can never be certain.}

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