Sexiness of Titles

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Scotland was sitting in the chair, a bandage wrapped around his forehead, as he fixed the camera with a sexy smirk, despite his lip being split open. His feet were up, resting on his new footstool, or rather, a tied up England, gagged, and wearing nothing but a kilt. 

"Roight, sae due tae some... Power struggles, Ah havenae been able tae reply ta yer excellent letters," Scotland said, practically purring as he spoke. England grunted, and struggled to move, sandy blonde hair falling in his eyes. Scotland huffed, and pulled out a (dulled) knife, poking his younger brother's side with it.

The camera focused in on the raging green in England's eyes, as the younger nation twisted his neck to glare at whatever part of Scotland he could see, much to the latter's amusement.

"Makes a nioce pet, donnae he?" the Scotsman said, still smirking smugly, sated like a fat cat with a bowel of cream. He held out a hand, and another person moved onto the screen, with reddish brown hair, handing the nation a letter. "Who's it fraem?"

"Somewan named Tyanne. Oi t'ink ye'll loike the question, ya old coot," the reddish brown haired man said, rolling light green eyes, much lighter than both England's and Scotland's. Speaking of which, the Englishman was struggling yet again against his bonds, quickly stopping when Scotland traced the flat side of the blade over the pale flesh.

"Tyanne? Alroight then. Let's see whit she has tae ask," Scotland said, sitting upright in his chair, making sure to knock some dirt off of his boots onto England's pale flesh. He used the knife as a letter opener, sliding it through the envelope, and sliding the letter out. He unfolded it, his dark emerald green eyes quickly scanning over the words, a large, shit-eating grin appearing on his face.

"'Hey Scotland, how'd ye git sae sexy?' Ah loike this question!" England grunted, and mumbled something around the gag in his mouth, which consisted off a rock wrapped repeatedly in cloth. "Shaddup, ye damn eejit."

Scotland adjusted how he was sitting, more so by sliding off of the chair, and onto England. He straddled the younger's waist, tracing the tip of the knife over England's neck. "Noo, Ah was born this sexy. It came naturally. Roight, Sasana?" he purred, tapping the flat of the knife against England's check. The Englishman nodded vigorously, his eyes widening, unaware the knife was magically dulled. 

"Good ye agree. Ah'll keep that in mind," Scotland said, watching as the youngest Kirkland put one of Spain's tomatoes to shame, as he started yelling muffled words at Scotland. The redhead raised an eyebrow, standing up. "Ah cannae understand yer gibberish, ye eejit. Ye git a gag in yer bleedin' pie hole!"

"Can both o' you stop bein' nancies? You still have wan moar question left, Alis," the almost forgotten man said, deciding to speak up, his Irish accent hiding the majority of his anger at his brother' immaturity.

"Alroight James. Come on and gimme the letter, sae ye can gae back tae humpin' leprechauns under the rainbow, er whatever ye dae." The camerman huffed, drawing attention to him once again, though he remained off-screen. "Ye be quiet Daffyd. After this, ye can return tae Wales."

James, as he had been identified as, handed his older brother the letter, rolling his light green eyes, and stepping out of view once again.'

"Ye ken how yer called 'Scotland The Brave', does Wales, Ireland, and England have titles loike that as well?" Scotland read, before crumpling the paper up, and tossing it over his shoulder. "Nae. None that Ah'm aware o'. Personally, Ah call 'em Wales the Wimmpy, England the Eunuch, and Ireland the Drunk Ugly Bastard. An' James, bein' North Ireland, is just Slightly Less Drunk And Ugly Bastard." He smirked smugly at the cries of protest from the three younger nations, and waved at the camera.

"Anyway, that's all fer noo. Ah have tae gae punish England, and further embarrass 'im. Send in anymore questions ye moight have. Ah'm also open fer suggestions on other ideas tae use tae further torture, and/or embarrass me wee braw, Artie!" With those final words, the video feed stopped.

{Thanks to WhyIsTheRumGone and Madeforpandabears for the questions. Daffyd is the name I chose for Wales, and James for North Ireland.}

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2012 ⏰

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