Chapter 6.

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Then there's Nixon.


I'm sorry, did I say confidence?

Well I was WRONG!!!!

I felt like peeing myself, this felt worse than stage fright. And I knew exactly how stage fright felt like.

One time in junior year, i decided it would be a great idea to join Serena in the school annual play, let's just say, it didn't go well for the front row audience.

"Evening everyone," I watched as everyone in the room either bowed or curtsied before murmuring to each other, probably about who the hell I was.

I spotted mama whispering to some woman dressed rather smartly for such occasion, the woman nodded and did a bow before walking to another man at the end of the room by the door and whispering to his ear.

I focused my attention on my mother who was now walking towards us.............smiling?

Isn't she meant to be mad I showed my face?

I parted my lips about to ask my mother why she was smiling so hard when the man from the end of the room said the weirdest thing ever.

"Please welcome, Prince Luca and Princess Carmel".

"Mother", Luca nodded at our mother with a serious face, I'm so confused.

"Prince Luca", she nodded back with a small smile before looking over at me with eyes that spoke all warning about my behaviour.

"Princess Carmel", I just stared at her not knowing what to say.

"Um, your....your highness?" she smiled again before linking her arms with me and walking further into the huge room.

She led me to the corner of the room where a staircase was and started climbing it. I knew I was in trouble already so I didn't ask any questions as I followed.

We went up several stairs before going into a hallway and walking into the only door there.

"I don't recall telling you you could leave my bed chambers". I looked behind me to see Luca showing his neck like a little kid caught out in the rain.

"Um, it was Luca's idea",

"Hey!!" I turned and smiled sheepishly at him which earned me an eye roll and narrowed eyes.

"Now everyone knows you're here, the General would want to meet you and luckily he didn't show up today so we have time to prepare you".

"I don't get it. You're queen, why do you sound like you answer to this 'general' guy?"

I felt Luca put a hand on my shoulder as if telling me to keep quiet but I'm not one to shut up.

"Well?! Are you gonna speak up mama?"

"The throne is rightfully his, his mother was meant to be queen but instead she handed the throne over to her best friend who was Luca's father",

"Why would she do that? Her entire generation's right!" All of this was just so confusing. "And now I'm hearing I'm next in line!!?"

This time it was Luca that answered, "She had a human Kael, and she chose to leave to be with him".

"A ka-what?!"

"A soul mate. One who's meant to love you all your life, they see past your flaws and love you no matter what". At that point, everything seemed to click in my head.

"Like dad and you", I whispered it, but I know she heard me. "If he was you ka-whatever! Why did you choose to come back?"

"This is my home. My father arranged my marriage to Sebrius and I had Luca here." I nodded my head and went silent,

"You had your father with you and I couldn't leave Luca alone, plus I knew we would be reunited again", I didn't know what to say, so we just stood there in silence lost in our thoughts.

"Well, why can't Luca be next in line?"

"Because I choose to be a warrior, and mama wants you be the one", I was about to protest when she put a hand on my shoulder and gently shook her head.

"It's for the best, my love."

"I don't know if you got your info right but it is NOT really a good idea to put me on the throne, to take care of people who aren't me!" I put my hands up in the air, "just putting it out there.

"Mama's almost never wrong."

"I can clearly see you're both not ready to corporate so I'mma let this slide for now."

"Perfect. Let's get back to party and introduce you."

"But there are so many people", I whined.

"The more the merrier." I groaned and straightened out my dress while listening to the rules that come with being royalty.


The phone on the large oak desk of the study started to ring loudly, disturbing the quiet of the rather large room.

The man sitting behind the desk leaned back on the chair and watched the dimly lit screen light up the dark room.

After the phone rings and times out three times, he picks it up the fourth time and grunted to the person on the other line as a permission to speak.

"Did you really have to let me call for more than twice?"

"Get to the point, Nix", the person, also known as Nixon, brother to the Warrior General sighs loudly into the speaker.

"They've brought her in".

The man leaned forward on hearing the interesting information.

"Where is she now?" He asked.

"I don't know man. They disappeared as soon as she was announced", the line went silent for a few long minutes, "Yo bro, you still there?"

"I'll see in an hour Nixon. Prepare my chambers". With that, he cut the call and stood up from behind the desk.

He pressed on the intercom by the balcony doors and spoke into it, "I'll be visiting the palace, Finn, get the group and be there by evening tomorrow".

He didn't wait for a reply and swung the doors open before stretching his overly sized wings and jumping off the balcony and flying into the night.

Bare with me pweassse!!

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