The First Day Is A Tough One

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X's POV:


"Oh no! I'm gonna be late for my first day!"

I grab a pop tart and put it in my mouth. No time to sit down and eat I have to go fast! It's almost time for the 1st class to start!!! I bust down the door and I sprint down the street as fast as my tiny little legs could go. Sweating and Panting I finally reach the school entrance and go to the office to sign in for a tardy slip. Then I run to class and stand where everyone else was and ate my pop tart. "Well hello there X! You're just in time for our class to start!" The teacher said with a smile. "Oh g-good...I..Ran as as....I could.." I said between breaths. Some of the class giggled as I flopped down on the floor to take a break from standing. My legs were too weak. "Okay class. When I call your name. Raise your hand and say here!" The teacher calls out to us.




"Here miss!"


"Over here!"




"HECK YEAH!" *He shouts as he gets

*The class laughs and the teacher rolls her eyes smiling*



"Oh I know him! Hes my friend!" I think to myself.


"Yup! I'm here!"


"That's me!"





"And Nine"


"Alright! That's everyone on the list! If I didn't call your name. Raise your hand."

nobody seemed to raise their hand as the teacher looked around. "Good." She said putting her attendance papers on her desk. "Now then since everyone is new here we will be doing some activities to get to know each other well!" The teacher said pulling out some papers. I will give you 7 whole minutes to fill this in. Then you will read it aloud in front of the class." When our teacher said this. It made me so nervous that I felt like my heart was going to leap out of my stomach.

Several Minutes later time was up. "Alright. Who would like to go first?" She said looking around the classroom. Since nobody answered the teacher decided to call on someone. "X. Why don't you come up?" I looked up shocked and was shaking in fear. "M-m-me? uh...o....ok!" I quickly stood up from my seat and went to the front of the class to start speaking. I cleared my throat and started to read what the paper said. Then once I was done, it was someone else's turn. This went on for several minutes until everyone was done taking turns.

<After School>

I was sitting on the school bench outside thinking about something. But idk what it was considering my mind was full of whack. Then I noticed someone sit beside me. "Hey X! What's up?" I looked up to see it was plus sign. My bestfriend from 4th grade. I haven't seen him in a long time. We just happened to meet in a discord server a few weeks ago before school started. "Oh hi plus! I'm just thinking about random things again hahaha." Plus giggled. "Your head is always in the clouds Y'know" He says. I giggled as well. Then we both walked down the street together because I said I wanted to go home.

Four's POV:

I was wondering around the street when I saw two kids walking the opposite direction of me. They looked like they came from that school over there. That's the school I'm gonna go to tomorrow. Maybe I should ask them a few questions. "Hey." I shout out to them putting my hand in the air in a friendly way. "Who are you?" The yellow variable asked me. "Not important. Look. Did you guys come from that school over there?" I say pointing to the school building. "Y-yeah why?" The plus sign asked. I smiled at them. "I look forward to being your new classmate tomorrow then." I say as I walk away. Then I teleport off to my house. I walk inside and sit on the couch.."That little variable sounded a bit..cute." I thought to myself.

<The Next Day>

X's POV:

I walk towards the school to see a crowd of girls on one side of the area. So I went to check it put. Turns out they were just screaming and shouting at that blue number I saw yesterday..."Oh my gosh the new kid is so cool!" One girl screamed. "I KNOW RIGHT? HE'S SUCH A POWERFUL BEING!! And so hot!" The other one said about to faint. I think to myself. "What's the big deal with this guy? He can't be thAt strong. I mean I'm probably stronger than him." I say walking into the building.

Four's POV:

I was sitting on a bench minding my own business when a group of girls came up to me. "LOOK! IT'S THE NEW GUY FROM EQUATION MIDDLE SCHOOL!!" I wanted to facepalm because I don't get why they intend to annoy the boys there.. It's so annoying. I couldn't even read in peace without the sound of girls screaming. I decided to ignore it anyway. But then that little variable from yesterday caught my eye. I noticed he was staring at what I was reading. I smirked at my book so he wouldn't see me looking at him. But he already went in the building for class. "AAAAAAAH EVEN HIS SMILE IS HOT!!!" The girls got louder. I couldn't take this anymore. I stood up and started to float a few feet off the ground. Then I inhaled and roared at them as they all ran and screamed in terror. I laughed a little bit and put my book in my backpack and headed inside.

<A Few Minutes Later>

X's POV:

I was taking notes in my journal because I was gonna need them for the daily test we had. But I looked up when the teacher finished writing on her touchscreen TV in the classroom. Then she went out the door. "I'll be back." She says. "Seven is in charge while im gone." I look at seven smiling and giggling because this is the 1st time the teacher put him in charge. I roll my eyes and go back to studying in my notebook. When I heard some crying noises. I turn around to see it was eight and nine bullying seven...PHYSICALLY!? "Haha! You're so weak!" Eight says stomping on seven." I look around and nobody is doing anything about it. "Why aren't you guys-...ugggghhh!" I say getting out of my seat. "LET HIM GO EIGHT!" eight and nine turn to me and smirk. They walk towards me and they look down at me. "And who are you to tell us what to do?" They snicker and try to grab my hand. I slap his hand and fricking sweep him under the leg. And once he's on the ground I place my foot on his back and it nailed him to the ground. "We're gonna have a bad time if you keep it up. Ok?" I say In a rather scary tone. "Y-yes sir!" They say as I let go of eight's back and he and nine run back to their seats.

"Ok class! We have a new student today." The teacher pointed at the door. Everyone looks at the door as a blue number comes in the classroom. All the girls scream. "IT'S HIM!!" they started waving their hands and cheering like it's a concert. "GIRLS! Calm yourselves!" The teacher tells out as the girls in the classroom stop. "Okay. So his name is-." He cuts off the teacher. "Four." He says in an annoyed tone. "My name is Four." He looks at me and smiles. "I'll be looking forward to working with some of you." The girls start to aw as I knew by 'some of you' he meant me.

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