He saved me?

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Art made by me-^

~Okay so I'm sorry I didn't finish my charger for my phone was missing but anyway let's get into the story😅!~

Four's POV:

"Four. You don't mind sitting beside x will you?" The teacher called out to me as I nodded and sat beside the yellow variable. He seems to notice me sit down because his eyes look at me and then back at his paper. He looks a little cute if you ask me. His face is so adorable and he looks so squishy. And his body is just so cute. He looks like a living pillow...wait...what am I saying? I don't like him do I?..."Four?" The little variable says to me as I snap back into reality. I must've been daydreaming I suppose. I noticed I was staring at him for a few minutes. "Is there something you need from me?" That sentence alone made my cheeks light up into a royal blue as I turn back around to say nothing. And start on the paper the teacher must've put on my desk a few minutes ago.

X's POV:

"What was that about?" I wonder. As I  turn to do my own work on my paper. I stopped to think for a while. "He stared at me so...keenly.." I thought in my head looking down at my paper. "It's almost like he wanted something from me." I think about four. "Something about him makes me feel so weird." I pick up my pencil off my desk and continue to write the last words on my paper. "Better to ignore it anyway." I thought

~Minutes Later~

The teacher calls us to line up at the door and so we do. We walk out of the classroom as I head upstairs...I feel a slight chill from behind..like someone's following me. Probably nothing anyway. As I halfway reach the classroom I feel something grab me. "A-AAH!" I scream as the person pins me against the wall. "Hey there little guy..remember me?" I struggled to try to get out of his grip and he chuckled. "Silly boy. You're much to weak...yet you're pretty cute." Two licks my neck and I shiver in fear. "Wh-what are you doing!?" I say trying to get him off me. It didn't work.."SOMEONE HELP!" I scream as loud as I can. I heard running down the hallway and I saw that four guy from the 1st class came and punched two in the face. After that he stood in front of me. "BROTHER WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He says growling with anger. He's protecting me...that's sweet of him. "Ugh. Nothing..." Four blasted a beam very close beside two which made him jump. "DON'T TOUCH ANYBODY ELSE!" Four shouted. Two got up and ran as four then sighed and turned to me. I got a little scared and moved backwards just a bit but then he reached out his hand to me. "Need a hand?" He asks as I smiled and took his hand as he helped me off the ground. "Th-thank you for saving me.." I say dusting myself off. "No worries! Sorry about my brother..he's a bit of a perv.." Four says laughingly. "It's alright." We stare at each other..Something about his sparking, crystal blue eyes makes me want to get lost in them forever..Four then grins at me and takes my hand. "If you're in trouble. Call my name okay? No matter how far I am I should be able to hear your calls." [Reference to four hearing gelatin screaming to death lmfao.]
I look at four and hug him..it's like my body acted as if it had a mind of its own. Four hugs me back. "Thank you four...friends?" I hold out my hand. And four grips it. "Friends." He says as we shake hands and go to our separate classes.

[Man I've gotta think of some more words to put here so enjoy this part for a few days lol]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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