I Think I Like You (Undertale)

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Toriel couldn't stop thinking about Sans. They were friends sure,but the thoughts weren't exactly like that. She thought about telling jokes only they could understand. She thought about him helping her in the kitchen making pie. She especially thought about them holding hands while watching the sunset. She often blushed while thinking these thoughts which wasn't very good considering she lived with a 6 year-old who considered themselves 'The Flirtmaster.'

One day when Toriel was having one of these episodes, it so happened to be when she was watching television with Frisk. "Mom, are you even paying attention to the movie?" Frisk asked. Toriel snapped out of it and turned to face her child. "Yes of course I'm paying attention where would you get an idea like that, Frisk?" Frisk raised their eyebrows and responded, "You had your eyes closed and you were sighing a whole bunch." Toriel blushed once more. "Oh, I-i didn't realize." Frisk frowned. "Right..." They turned around and pressed play on the remote, resuming the program. Frisk suddenly stopped and paused the show. The human smiled wickedly and slowly turned towards their mom.

"You've got a crush on someone, don't you, Toriel?" Frisk only called Toriel by her real name when she was serious. Toriel blinked, confused. "Let me rephrase. You're in love with someone, aren't you Toriel?" Toriel's eyes widened. Shoot, they're right. Toriel thought. Frisk is a smart child, but not smart enough. Toriel closed her eyes and smiled. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Frisk gasped excitedly. "It's Sans, isn't it?" they shouted. Toriel immediately blushed and exclaimed, "HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" Toriel covered her mouth with her hands. "Lucky guess," Frisk said, shrugging. Toriel's hands covered her face, embarrassed and fearful.

"What am I going to do? I haven't told Sans yet and if I do tell him, what would he even say? How will he react? Will he feel the same way or will he never want to see my face again?" Toriel got up and went to the kitchen to get a cup of water. Frisk followed and tugged on Toriel's skirt. (Author's Note:Frisk is SUPER short in this,so keep that in mind.) "Hey, you don't need to worry about that. He already feels the same way about you."

Toriel spit out her water in shock. "H-he is in love with me?" Frisk nodded. "Well, nowadays people say 'crush' but yeah, he does." Toriel tried to process all the thoughts going through her head. She decided to blurt out the first one. "When should I tell him?" she asked. Frisk thought about it. They came to a decision. "I dunno." Toriel sighed. She was doomed. Suddenly, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She took it out and whispered, "It's a text from Sans!" Frisk whispered back, "You should read it!" Toriel nodded and read aloud the message.

"'hey, tori wanna go to mt. ebbot tonight?'" Frisk grabbed her phone and reread the text to themself. They grinned up at Toriel. "This could mean a date!" Frisk shouted, jumping up and down. "We cannot jump to conclusions, Frisk. What if he just wants to hangout?" Frisk giggled. "Well, maybe you should tell him how you feel, then."
"You are right, my child. But, can you text the words for me?" Toriel asked. "Sure." And so, Frisk set about writing the text. After they were done, Frisk handed the phone back to Toriel. 'Okay, what time?' was all it said. He immediately responded, "4:45 sounds good." Toriel beamed, typing back, "Pkay, sre uoy threr." She forgot her hands were too big. Frisk immediately fixed it. "Okay, see you there." was what it now read.

~Time skip courtesy of Mettaton's legs~

Toriel was extremely nervous. She honestly didn't know what to say even though Frisk gave her a note card with things to say. It was 4:43, and she was sitting at the base of Mt Ebott. Toriel went over the card once more and put it back in her purse. "Hey, Tori," said an all-too-familiar voice. She looked up to see Sans and his wonderful smile. "Hello Sans, would you like to sit down with me?" Toriel motioned him over. "Actually, I, uh, had a different place in mind to sit," the skeleton said. "Oh, where would that be?" Toriel asked. He outstretched his hand and said, "C'mon, I'll show you." Toriel turned a little pink. She took his hand, expecting it to be cold. But, to her surprise, it was quite warm. He led her up the mountain ( well, he actually used a shortcut) and the duo made it to the top.

Toriel remembered this place. This was where they first left the Underground and made it to the surface after Frisk saved everyone. "Why did you take us here tonight, Sans?" Toriel had a feeling of what that answer could be, but she wanted him to confirm it. Sans somehow looked pale and looked like he was trying to think of something to say. "W-well, I wanted to watch the sunset...with you." He paused on that last part. Toriel smiled at his awkwardness. "That's awfully sweet of you, Sans. After all the sunset is quite beautiful." Sans closed his eyes and laughed. "Well it's not as beautiful as you." Toriel turned bright red. Sans's eyes shot wide open and he covered his mouth. He was also a very noticeable shade of blue.

"I can't believe I just said that," Sans muttered to himself. He slowly turned towards Toriel, but he didn't look at her out of embarrassment. "I'm very sorry, Tori, I didn't mean to say th-." Toriel cut him off. "Don't be sorry, Sans. There was something I've been wanting to tell you." His blush wore off and he looked curious. "And what's that?" Sans asked. Toriel looked down and sighed. "I think I like you. And I mean 'Like You' like you." Sans's eyes widened. Toriel prepared for the worst. Even though Frisk told her he did like her, she couldn't be too sure that Frisk was telling the truth. After a few seconds of silence, he smiled and said, "I think I like you too, Tori." She looked up and smiled. All her worries regarding this were gone. And for the next 10 minutes, Sans and Toriel sat there, holding hands watching the sunset.

Author's Note: Wowie, that took a while to write! This story was one I wanted to write for a while, so I hope you enjoyed an see you in the next one! Mwendesa out! ✌

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