My Hero

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A/N: This story is loosely based on a request by Kelyliquid! Thank you once again for the request! Trigger warning for harassment and attempted assault.

Toriel was grading papers in her classroom at the human and monster school. It was a long day, as there were two tests that day and around twenty-four kids in the class. She didn't want to assign two tests, the district did. Toriel hated when that happened. Soon, she was done grading papers. She sat back in her chair, relieved. She then glanced at a clock on the wall. It was 7:30 pm. Toriel was grateful that Sans and Papyrus were babysitting Frisk. Toriel sat up, packed her bag, and walked out of the school building. She had to walk back home since her car was at the mechanics. "I do hope that Frisk is well-fed," Toriel thought to herself.

Toriel walked down the sidewalk in the pale moonlight. It was dark now, and the street lights hardly provided any light. Toriel would use her fire magic, but she could still somewhat see. Suddenly, two large arms grabbed her from behind and pulled her into the dark alley. Toriel now could not see anything. Someone pushed her to the ground cuffed her paws with those magic prevention hand cuffs made specifically for monster criminals. But these men didn't look like policemen. They looked like people who hurt monsters, monsters like her. She tried to keep calm in this terrifying situation.

"May I help you?" she said, looking up. One of the men sneered and didn't respond. Another kneeled down and yanked one of Toriel's ears. "Ya know, for a monster, you're not bad looking. Right fellas?" The other two men nodded. "She's pretty hot," the third one said. Toriel felt disgusted. She tried to get up, but the one kneeling pushed her back down. "You know, you'd probably be even hotter without the skirt and blouse on," the first man said. Toriel saw where this was going and she didn't like it. She tried to get up again, but the silent man pinned her legs to the floor. The first man started to take off her jacket and the third man knelt beside her. He grinned a sickening grin and reached for her skirt hem. "HEY! GET YOUR MITTS OFF OF HER!" a familiar voice shouted. Toriel and the trio turned their heads to see Sans.

"What are you going to do about it?" The first man said, sneering at the 5'9 skeleton. Sans glared at him. "This." Sans snapped his fingers, and a giant dragon skull appeared on his right. The skull blasted the man who tried to take off her jacket. A barrage of bones rained on the third man. Soon it was just the one pinning Toriel's legs to the floor. Sans' left eye turned a menacing yellow and turned the man's soul blue. He threw the man around, making him hit the walls. With one last push, the man was catapulted into the unknown. Toriel could only watch this man in awe. He had never appeared to have all this strength, and Toriel, well she found this Sans attractive.

Meanwhile, Sans was breathing heavily, but then turned his attention back to Toriel. His eye was normal again, and he ran over to Toriel. "Oh my God, Tori are you alright?" Toriel smiled weakly at him and nodded. He helped her take off her restraints and then she hugged him. "Thank you, Sans. Thank you so much. You're my hero." He blushed at this, and quietly said, "You're welcome." Sans held her to his chest and they just stayed there like this, quiet.

"How did you know where to find me?" Toriel asked, looking at him. "I was going to the school to check up on you and to take ya home. Then I heard shouting, so I pulled over and came over here." Sans helped her up and took her back to his car. The car ride was silent, but that was fine for the both of them. While he was driving, Sans with his free hand held Toriel's paw softly. He then pulled up to her house. "Thank you so much, Sans. For helping me and babysitting Frisk, as well." Sans smiled. "No problem, Tori." He was about to drive away before Toriel stopped him. "Sans don't leave, please. I need someone with me tonight." Sans turned a little blue, and then nodded. He parked the car, texted Papyrus that he was spending the night at a friend's house, and then entered Toriel's house.

Sans got comfy on the couch and pulled the blanket that Toriel gave him over himself. Toriel sat beside him. She leaned her head against Sans' shoulder, making him blush. "Sans, I wanted to ask you something, but then the incident happened." Sans looked over to her. "What did you wanna ask?" Toriel sighed. "Will you go out with me, Sans?" Sans was understandably surprised, but then smiled. "S-sure, Tori." Toriel smiled and then kissed his cheekbone. The two snuggled up for the night, and soon fell fast asleep.

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