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The monsters had been freed from the Underground, and best friends Sans and Toriel had finally been able to meet each other face to face. They both had a crush on each other. Both confessed at the same time. The couple had just started going out and were extremely excited to go to the surface to start a life together. There was one problem, though. The Humans did not want Monsters on the surface. So the Monsters stayed in the Underground, but were still able to visit the forest surrounding the city. The Monsters tried to come up with a solution to their problem. Alphys, the ex-royal scientist, came up with a risky idea. "Wh-what if we t-transformed two m-monster SOULs into hu-human SOULs?" stuttered Alphys.

King Asgore looked shocked. "Alphys, how would we do that?" Sans looked askance. He had a bad feeling about Alphys's idea. "W-we could use Determination, something only hu-humans h-have," she said finally. "I know I have some v-vials in my l-lab."
"Are you sure this will not harm anyone, Alphys?" Toriel asked suspiciously. Alphys nodded confidently. "I'll n-need a male and fe-female test subject, though." The whole committee of monsters fell silent until two monsters shouted, "I'll do it!" Everyone turned to see Sans and Toriel with their hands raised. They looked at each other in shock. "You're willing to risk your life, Sans?" Toriel whispered. The skeleton whispered back, "You're doing the same thing, Tori." Toriel sighed. "Well, at least we're doing it together." Alphys smiled nervously. "Alright, um, l-let's get s-started."

"Brother, are you sure about this?" Papyrus asked, carrying Frisk who was fast asleep. "I'll be fine, bro, there's nothing to worry about," Sans said, giving a tired smile. That was a blatant lie, and Sans knew it. There was so much to be worried about. Papyrus frowned. "Sans Serif Gaster, I can tell your scared." Sans sighed. "Maybe I'm a little scared, but this is for monsterkind, Pap." Papyrus nodded. Frisk slowly woke up and smiled sleepily at Sans. "Be careful Sans." Sans chuckled. "I will, kiddo." Papyrus (still carrying Frisk) walked out of the lab.

Soon, Toriel walked into the laboratory. Sans greeted her with a hug, which he had to go on his tippy-toes for since Toriel was tall. "I'm scared something's going to go wrong, Sans," Toriel said, feeling tears form. Sans wiped them. "It's going to be ok, Tori. Maybe this is for the best, we might be able to do normal couple stuff," he said, trying to cheer her up. She smiled at him. "I'll always think of you as a skeleton." He chuckled. "Back at cha, Tori." Alphys shortly entered the lab afterwards. "Alright, y-you two, l-let's get this s-started." They nodded, and Alphys separated them into two rooms. 'For privacy purposes', Alphys had said with a wink and then a face of regret afterwards. Neither Sans or Toriel knew what she meant.

Sans laid down in a bed hooked up to a machine. Alphys walked up to his bedside. "S-sans, may I see y-your s-soul?" He nodded, and he let it appear. Alphys brought out a syringe with a golden liquid. "This w-will sting a l-little. And t-then you m-might pass o-out. Ok?" Sans slowly nodded. She stuck the syringe into his soul and he yelped. Sans laid back onto his pillow, feeling nauseous. And like what Alphys said, he passed out.


1 hour later...

Toriel had gone through a similar process like Sans. When she woke up an hour later, she didn't really feel different. She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 7:30 AM. She moved her hair out of her eyes and- wait, hair? Toriel grabbed a fistful of the hair. It was brown, like chocolate. She grabbed her face. Like she expected, no fur. She got up slowly out of the bed, and ran towards the full length mirror on the other side of the room. Toriel covered her mouth. She was a full-on human from head to toe. She had peach skin, with freckles sprinkled lightly around her nose. She had lips, which were a pink color. She looked completely different, with the exception of her eyes, which remained a ruby color. "Are y-you alright, T-Toriel?" Toriel squeaked out of fear. "Oh, it's just you, Alphys." Alphys smiled at Toriel. "You look very cute, Toriel! Anyways, just to make sure the process is complete, may I see your soul?" Toriel nodded. When the soul appeared, they both marveled at its sight. It was a blue soul. Monster souls were only white. They did it. "O-okay, Toriel, here's s-some clothes to change into." Toriel forgot she was only wearing a hospital gown."Then g-go to the n-next room and w-wait for me, o-okay?" Toriel nodded and left.

Toriel was wearing small clothes identical to her regular one, since she shrunk by at least 2 feet during the transformation. The chair she was sitting in facing away from the door. She was reading a magazine when she overheard Alphys in the hallway. The door was closed, so she didn't know who she was talking to. "I'm not going in there, Alph!" a deep voice said. That voice was familiar. "Sans?" Toriel whispered to herself. "It'll be fine, Sans," Alphys pleaded. "What if," Sans paused. "What if she doesn't like how I look?" Toriel's heart hurt after hearing that. Why wouldn't she like how he looked? She fell in love with him based off of how he made her feel. "J-just go i-in there S-sans," Alphys said, opening the door and pushing someone in the room.

Toriel turned around, startled. When she saw who was pushed in, her heart randomly started beating faster. It was a man. He had messy black hair, ocean blue eyes and pale skin. He was pretty tall, too. His facial features looked as if they were chiseled from stone. His blue winter coat looked extremely familiar. Toriel's face heated up and her eyes widened.

"Sans, is that you?" Toriel asked quietly. Sans looked at Toriel, and his face turned bright pink. He nodded. She couldn't believe her eyes. "You look amazing, Tori," he smiled, making her turn a brighter red. She looked away, trying to keep her composure. Sans's smile fell. He looked down and sighed. "I guess you don't like the way I look, then." She looked back up and smiled. "No, it's not that, Sans! In fact," She wrapped her arms around his neck, making him confused. She bit her lip nervously. "I think you look quite handsome." Sans turned red, grinning like an idiot. He hugged her very tightly and spun around in a circle, making her squeal. "No one's ever done that to me before!" Toriel giggled. Sans kissed her on the cheek. Toriel looked at him, still red. He laughed. "You're cute when you're flustered," he said. Toriel smiled mischievously. "I thought you wanted to do more 'normal couple stuff', Sans?" Sans smirked. "Like what?" Toriel grabbed his face. "Like this." She then kissed Sans. Sans was caught off guard. After she pulled away, she looked worried. "Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?" Sans shook his head. "No, I actually enjoyed that." Toriel grinned. She leaned upwards (since Sans was taller now) to kiss him again.

"Jesus Christ, get a room!" a certain skeleton yelled. The flustered couple turned around and saw a pissed off Papyrus holding Frisk. "There are children here, for God's sake!" Papyrus yelled with his free hand in the air. Frisk climbed down carefully and ran towards Toriel. "Mom? Sans? Is that really you?" Frisk asked, smiling. Toriel kneeled down and picked her up. "Yes, my child," Toriel smiled. She handed Frisk to Sans. Frisk frowned. "What's wrong, kiddo?" Sans asked. "You can't say skeleton puns anymore," Frisk pouted. Papyrus smiled very brightly and yelled, "FINALLY!! I'LL BE FREE!" Sans laughed. "Aw, c'mon Paps, you know I wouldn't do that! That'd be inhumane." Papyrus closed his eyes. "Would it really bro-." Papyrus's eyes widened in horror. " have a new catalog of puns!" Papyrus shouted. Sans, Toriel and Frisk all laughed while Papyrus regretted everything in life.

Later that night, Sans was in bed on his phone. Toriel soon came in, snuggling up beside him. He looked over at her and smiled at her. "Papyrus just texted me and said that he's disowning me." Toriel giggled. "He'll change his mind, besides, isn't this the third time this month he's told you that?" Sans nodded. "Well, it's late, good night, Tori," he said leaning over and turning off the bedside lamp. Sans sub-consciously wrapped his arms around Toriel. She did the same, but then she noticed something. "Sans."
"Yeah, Tori?"
"Are those muscles?"
"Huh, I didn't even notice."
"Alphys surely did go out of her way to make you the dreamiest human alive." Sans laughed quietly. "She sure did Tori, she sure did." He kissed her forehead, like what she used to do, and they resumed cuddling. As Toriel laid her head against Sans's chest, they both thought the same thing: "I'm going to enjoy being human."

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