A Clean Slate

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      I woke up from my two hour nap to 3 missed calls. All of them being from an unknown number...how strange. I put my phone down and decided to get ready for my audition. After all, this is the reason I moved to my 1 person size apartment in LA. After I put on some makeup and a light pink polo t shirt and some jeans I checked my phone. It was 3:36.....fuck. I was already 6 minutes late. I grabbed my coffee from the counter and ran to my car.
      This was a great start to my, hopefully, new job. I walked in out of breath and ran into a man walking out of the audition room. My coffee went flying across the floor and all over him. He reached down and grabbed my cup. When he looked up our eyes met and he seemed so familiar.
"I'm so sorry" I panicked
"I didn't like this shirt that much anyways"
I laughed in relief.
"Good luck" he put his hand on my shoulder and walked out
"Thank y-" but before i knew it he was gone
         It was oddly comforting and I felt like we had some how connected.
"Y/N" YOU'RE LATE" someone called from the room
"I'm so sorry, i woke up l"
"That's no excuse if you want the part"
"Stop fumbling, get on with it"
I nodded and flipped the script.
          I walked out of my audition feeling confident in myself, despite the beginning. As I walked out I felt my phone vibrate from my purse. It was the unknown number. I rolled my eyes and declined the call. As I was about to put my phone away I saw text pop up from my friend, Delilah.
"Hey, me and Bebe and going out tonight for some drinks. Wanna tag along?"
"That sounds perfect"
           To be honest, I didn't really feel like going out. I just needed to get my audition off my mind.
            I looked in my closet and realized how I desperately needed to go shopping. I put on a  form fitting purple v neck crop too with a black leather skirt. I looked in the mirror and sent a pic to Delilah.
"Omg gorl, u look hot asf"
             I laughed and grabbed my fake ID along with my purse. Let's blow this popsicle stand.

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