A Single Cut Can change Everything

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"It was at this point in my tormented mind that I was ready to give up and let the humans gut me for there experiments seeing as how I was nothing more than a petral rabbit to them. Hehe, but the bitter irony was that, that's what they actually did the next day to me and I deeply regret ever saying 'well, it can't get any worse from here on out, can it?'"

Six months later.......
All the scientists were extremely busy that day while they were preparing for today's guest, dr Fujiyama.

(A/n: this is the original design of dr Fujiyama from the Hasbro generation 1 transformers cartoon  (I am so sorry for misspelling the name wrong all this time) I am showing this picture for visual content for you readers to know who this characte...

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(A/n: this is the original design of dr Fujiyama from the Hasbro generation 1 transformers cartoon  (I am so sorry for misspelling the name wrong all this time) I am showing this picture for visual content for you readers to know who this character actually is, I couldn't find an image that was similar to the original pic.)

His arrival took longer than excepted because of the increased restrictions of venturing outside, but he had managed to get there by a private plane and was being escorted around the base by the new face of Mech, at first glance dr Fujiyama was of course amazed yet nervous about silas' new body that smelt of rotten flesh and rust, but he was still fascinated by the living and breathing cyborg of this century. The first test subjects that the boss had shown his companion was shockwave than Airachnid and explained to him everything that they have learned over these past months and how they achieved in creating a new life form inside of the femme, which was very graphically detailed in the explanation by silas that made dr Fujiyama cringe a little.
During that time the scientists were forcing predaking onto his left side for there LAST experiment with the beast, because they knew that beast doesn't understand them and they cannot force him to there bidding even if they input codes and devices inside his body to control him, it was because of his cloned foreign origin and body structure that the tests didn't work on him. The predacon's internal frame workings has a remarkable set up that can fight against the human's evil desires, well except for the electrical punishments he had received over the past few months from silas. So it was time for the reaper to take what it was promised, and today was the day for a long awaited release of pain.

Both silas and the doctor walked into the next room where the dragon was laying but the human was sent the into another room where he could over see the creature while silas was in there to tell the Japanese scientists what they plan to do with the predacon.
Predaking screeched out in pain as the humans had to drill more screws into his body, but his time they were drilling his wings fully against his sides permanently for better access into his stomach.
"As you can see doctor we are going to be doing a dissection on the predacon to see how it functions" silas said as he extended out his right servo towards the beast with the other behind his back, dr Fujiyama nodded while his eyes explored the dragons figure and the scientists around his stomach with many different machines to open him up.
"And why aren't you putting the beast to sleep for this experiment?" Fujiyama asked with his accent lacing almost every word he spoke into the microphone.
"Well, because most of our commands do not work on the subject and so only thing we can do is to either knock out the creature the old fashion way or put a muzzle on him and finally to understand how it functions" silas said while walking over to the creature and knelt down close to his helm.
"Him? How do you know it's gender" dr Fujiyama asked with a raised eye brow.
"Like I said dr, we did a lot of experiments on him, so we almost know everything about him, but we still do not know if he can transform or not just like the other subjects" he answered simply and placed the very large chain muzzle around predaking's snout who was struggling a little against silas but lost and just laid there in a weak state.
"I see, but why did you keep him for this long if he is useless to you?" The doctor gestured with his hand.
"Mainly for trail and error tests but now is the time to finally scrap him for parts and energon rations the other subjects. Feel free take any of these parts for your own robots when we're done here" silas then nodded towards one of his scientists to begin the procedure.
To be begin the gutting session the tallest man of the of group pulled over a large hand held tool that resembled something like a stage spot light but is was a laser on medium setting, the man then shuffled up to predaking's chest area where it's directly under his fiery core, they didn't want to accidentally damage it or possibly kill the subject immediately. Two more scientists were standing by as the first scientist turned on the devise and instantly the searing raw pain of the laser burned through the metal skin, predaking immediately began to squirm and muffle agonising screeches as he felt the laser being dragged down his stomach. Once they reached just above his groin area and he turned off the laser and ordered the other two scientists to bring over two more machines, one of them was the same one that feeds predaking the barrels and the third machine was one that had two long arms that they are going to use for the procedure. the claw then was activated and then was instructed to pull up the upper part of the cut to expose the internal workings of the beast. Bright neon blue blood leaked out of the wounds and the scientists quickly got to work by removing some of his metallic organs, one by one that were still connected inside his body.
The other scientists that were at the computers were keeping a constant eye on predaking's vital to make sure that's he's still alive because they of course had to know how the beast's circuits worked and what they could salvage for future experiments.
Dr Fujiyama stayed silent the whole as his brilliant mind was exploring all of the possibles of using these aliens body parts and technology, maybe he could even rebuild his Nightbird robot after what happened to the first prototype he sent to silas along time ago.
His thoughts were then interrupted by predaking breaking the muzzle into pieces his and released a high pitched roar that echoed off the walls and into the audios of both shockwave and Airachnid, causing them to widen their optics in shock and prayed that the predacon's suffering to end very soon. All of the humans in the base immediately covered their ears from how high pitched the cry was and silas rushed towards predaking and used both of his servos to forcefully close predaking's jaws tightly together and used stronger chains to keep him quiet, once silas had the beast detained he then clamped a large pad lock on the chains and stomped over to the scientists doing the cruel deed.
"What did you do?!" Silas demanded while kneeling down to examine what they did, upon inspection the scientists have descovered something very interesting, but had the caused the predaking to cry out like that in the first place was because the main worker had accidentally stabbed one of the many sensitive parts inside the dragon.
"Please forgive us boss, but have found something that looks similar to the other subjects t-cogs" the man quickly explained and pointed inside of the belly to prove it, silas leaned in more and saw that he's was correct and looked up at his guest.
"In case you are wondering what a t-cog is doctor, a t-cog is what the transformers call a special circuit or a organ in their body that allows them to scan earth based vehicles or air crafts and transform into an exact replica of that thing to disguise themselves on this planet" he explained and watched as dr Fujiyama scrunched up his face as if he's heard that before from silas when he was human, maybe silas was slowly losing his memorises from all of these expected, but he only nodded and continued to observe the procedure with his hands behind his back.
"Continue the dissection as planed" silas ordered sternly then stood up to full height.
The scientists hesitated at first because they didn't want to hurt the predacon anymore, but silas gave them a threatening stare and they all gulped down hard and went in with a very sharp yet small-ish surgical tool and did an incision across a thin wire that had changed everything that they have ever known about this useless test subject.

In a matter of seconds everyone in the room jumped back in shock as the dragon then suddenly cried out again and his entire body shifted in something that no on had expected, a cybertronian humanoid form that laid hapless on the floor until he shot open his optics and began to rapidly speak in what seem like their alien language.
"This is incredible!" Dr Fujiyama called form behind the window, but before he could unleash his excitement, predaking unsheathed his gun and shot nearly everyone in the room until he felt silas slam his fists into predaking's helm hard enough to knock him out cold, some of predaking's entrails were displayed out on the floor along with a few chains stuck in gears that fuelled his rage and attacked.
A silent moment had pasted and silas looked up at dr Fujiyama who was still trying to comprehend what just happened.
"Please forgive us doctor we didn't know tha-"
"I'll buy him!" The human shouted.
"What" silas asked while tilting his helm a little.
"You said that you didn't want him anymore, right ? well if you don't mind silas I would like to buy at any price you want" he explained and made his way down the stairs and into the same room as the others were. "But you will have to destroy it for me to reconstruct it into a bigger and much better robot for my company" Silas thought about for a moment and smiled then went down on one knee to extend out his right servo.
"Alright then it's a deal, you shall have the dragon in the morning once my team has cleaned him up for ya"
"It's a pleasure doing business with you silas" dr Fujiyama reached up and held onto one of silas's digits. The trade was simple and plain, but at least silas gets amount of money while dr Fujiyama get to play with a new toy.

In the background Sparkplug gasped quietly to himself and as he quickly made up a plan his head to free the predacon once and for all from this eternal hell.

(TFP starcee) The Point of No Return Where stories live. Discover now