The House Party

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Maggie pulled Hal into the washrooms and was trying to figure out the best way to murder her. It didn't help that Hal was stifling her laughter, seeming very pleased with the situation she had gotten them into.

"When did you and Mr dark and brooding get acquainted seeing how I've been with you all night?" Hal asked eyes twinkling with mischief. Maggie explained they'd just bumped into each other at the bar. 

"And he's already in love with you? I mean I'm not surprised. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met."

"Who said anything about being in love?"

"Don't be daft, do you really think Harry Styles is so idle on a Saturday night that he'd agree to go to a university house party? We both saw Mitch looking at you like you're the brightest star in the night. Haz is just doing his best mate a favor. And gives me major bragging rights for the rest of my life."

Maggie rolled her eyes at "Haz" but decided to ignore it as they headed to the cab. She spotted Mitch and Harry laughing by the entrance and her heart melted just a bit. He looked so soft and at ease, his dimples showing as his mop of hair was held away from his face. Truthfully, she had noticed the intense way he looked at her and the attention was flattering. But she knew she had a tendency to fall fast and fall hard. As they all piled into the car, Mitch held the door open and guided her in with his hand on the small of her back. His touch electrified her and she already knew she was already a goner.

                                                                                       ~ ~ ~
30 minutes later they pulled up outside of their apartment building. The girls led the way up to the third floor and the booming music easily identified the location. Hal pointed at number 3C just down the hall as their place as they walked towards 3A. Maggie braced herself for the attention they were about to bring on themselves and hoped their friends could pretend to be cool for just one night.  Hal leaned in to tell her that she had texted Mark, to warn him and the others and threatened them with death if they fan girled. As always, Maggie was grateful for her chatty friend saving the day.

"Hey, the twisted sisters have finally arrived!" Mark shouted as soon as they stepped into the door. A general cheer rose from the small group of people congregated in the living room. "And they brought guests," he said cheerfully leaning over to fist bump the Mitch and Harry. The two shared a look and visibly eased up. Hal grabbed Harry and pulled him towards the karaoke machine in the corner.

"You my friend are about to win me the honor of Karaoke queen, by being my duet partner."
A general grumble and people calling out how it was unfair that he was a professional, but Hal just beamed and started to pick a song. Harry smiled and seemed right at home among the noisy crowd.

"Umm, do you want a beer or something? We did lure you here with the promise of drinks," Maggie said turning to Mitch with a flirty smile playing on her lips. He seemed enchanted and followed her into the kitchen. She grabbed a couple of beers from the cooler and handed him one. The small cramped kitchen didn't offer much room to turn or move so they just stood close to each other and talked.

"This isn't what I expected. And I mean that because I'm pleasantly surprised. After we left the pub, Harry seemed really bummed. And somehow here you guys are giving him the night he's always dreamed of. No one fawning over him because he's famous but just treating him like one of the boys," Mitch said sincerely stealing glances at Harry who had been banished to the corner for a timeout after belting a note no one present could dream of hitting.

Maggie had never given much thought to how anonymity was something to crave and enjoy. She had come from a family of immigrants and they had lived in east London where every one seemed to come from some far flung corner of the world. Her African family had never stood out and she was grateful for that. It was only when she started at University College in Hampshire that she felt a bit strange, but still there enough people of color that she didn't stick out.

She shared this with Mitch and they soon fell deep into conversation and time flew. They moved out onto the balcony for some privacy and they talked like they had known each other for years. It was comfortable and he seemed to come out of his shell. She discovered he wasn't dark or brooding. He had a very cheesy sense of humor and his facial expressions made him seem animated.

At a point the conversation turned to love and he seemed reluctant to talk about his past relationship, only saying that they worked together so it was hard to process. She understood him as she had only recently left Andrew and every thing still felt too raw to talk about.

"You know, when I saw you tonight, I had finally given up on romance. I had resigned myself to the single life and I was trying to come up with future names for my cats,"Maggie said partly joking. He gave a little giggle that made her insides twist. "But everything about tonight has been unexpected and I can't imagine it happening any other way."

He looked at her, his eyes slowly searching for something she wasn't quite sure of. He played with the strands of hair framing her face and gently pulled her closer.

"I know exactly what you mean. I've been drawn to you all night and I want to stay here in this moment with you forever," he said softly his voice a low growl. She made a noise filled with desire at the back of her throat as she leaned into the kiss and felt the entire world shatter as their lips made contact.

It started off gentle and questioning but once they both felt sure this was what they wanted, no what they needed, the kiss turned hungry and searching. Maggie moved her hands up his chest and pulled him closer wanted to meld their bodies into one and he moaned as she wrapped one leg around his hip. His touch was hot and electrifying and she didn't know if they would ever stop. Till she heard a voice she had spent all night trying to forget.

"Maggie?" Andrew said as they both pulled away from each other the fire quickly extinguished by the interruption.His eyes turned dark as he noticed Mitch standing protectively with his arm around her waist. "What the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend asshole?"

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