Part Six

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{….we spend our years as a tale that is told.}
            He got to Benin in less than an hour, he was at the underground house few minutes later and Jason was already waiting for him. He was on his sun shade glasses which was not ordinary but could be used as camera and other things he did not know.  He was on his normal black shirt and black trousers and he had his gloves which he sometimes wore to prevent body contact. The most important thing was his android wrist watch with small buttons. He could use it to send a targeted missile. He was looking different from the Jason he knew, he was looking human and he did not need someone to tell him Cindy was responsible for Jason’s recent human behavior.  He was resting his back on the driver side of their black rescue van and looking up when he packed his pickup van at the side of the single room that led to the underground house. The Nigerian Special Force consisted of the Nigerian army, navy and air force but they had more of Nigerian army. The Circle members belonged to all because they were made to undergo all the armed forces’ trainings. They had underground houses in every state capital including Abuja.
Jason saluted just as he got to where he was standing. Of course he had known he was around. That was one of the few military activities Jason participated in. He had not seen anything wrong with military salute if not he wouldn’t salute. He acknowledged his greeting and he gave him the permission to be at ease. He opened the back of the van and dropped his bags.
“We need to move now and I need to drive, we must get to Ologbo in thirty minutes” he said opening the driver’s door but Jason blocked him shaking his head.
He did not answer but gave him a signal to wait. Late George was the only one who understood Jason and they were partners in most duet missions. It was not easy working with someone who could hardly communicate verbally.
Few seconds later, a bird flew towards Jason who caught it with his hands and patted its head. He nodded towards him but entered the driver’s seat before he could enter.
“Jason is not a suggestion, it’s a command. I’m the one driving.”
Jason started typing something with his android phone and some seconds later, his android vibrated in his pocket.
‘You need to activate some of the gadgets in that bag and you need to study the Ojogolo arms dealers. You cannot do that while driving. I will drive as fast as possible’ Jason wrote.
He had a point, there was no arguing with Jason most times because he always had a point. His actions were always calculative. He moved over to the passenger's seat and they were on their way almost immediately.
Jason handed over a tab to him. He did not bother asking what it was because he would find out. The first things he saw were different flight gadgets. He dragged the bag Jason gave him from the back and opened it. There was a box with the picture of a bird. Jason was pointing at something on his ears and pocket. At least he understood that. He picked out the small box with his own and activated it. Theirs came with a camera spectacle. He inserted the sound in his left ear and pinned the mic inside his T-shirt.
“Good. I’ve been waiting for yours to be active” he heard Mark’s voice.
“I will be following your movements and will help out with enemies’ position once there is visual” Mark continued.
“Roger that” he responded.
He scrolled the tab and saw Chief Esigie and the Ojogolo arms dealers. Jason had done a good work. There were even records of those he had killed. He did not know about the clan, he just followed a lead from the crime scene and hunted them. Chief Esigie had up to fifty filling stations which he started with only about five far back as sixteen years ago. As he read more details of the enemy he was facing, he knew something was not right. A native pot producer would not have that much money to start up five filling stations at once and also would not be able to have that much money to build a fenced house back then. He must have been in this arms business far back as seventeen years ago. Jason had captured so many faces of the Ojogolo arms dealers and their customers. He noticed he had seen some of them at Chief’s compound and he had killed some earlier in the day.
Jason slowed the speed of the van making him raise his head up. They were almost entering Ologbo. They were at a palm plantation.
“Drive into the plantation, the house is not far from here” he said and went back to reading the last part of Jason’s report.
“What are you doing?” he heard Jason’s voice which was rare.
He raised his head to ask what he meant but saw him smiling. His spectacle was still on his face.
“No, you are a terrible dancer, just give up. I will be back soon” he said chuckling.
He should have asked after Cindy.
“Jason” he called.
“Bye. Love you too” he responded to Cindy and turned to him.
“You need to activate your flight bird and learn how to use other gadgets” Jason responded to him.
He could count how many times he had heard Jason speak and they had always called it a miracle. It was actually Ghost who called it a miracle while Fast had always said an Angel of voice had walked by. But he was beginning to think Cindy was the miracle, he remembered he had spoken without sign language the day he had come with Cindy to ask for his help in delivering a document that would stop a civil war.
Jason took the bag from him and brought out another box. He opened it and brought out an android watch like his own.
“You need to wear this. Every Circle member now has this and you need to take this” Jason said handing over a new android phone.
“What’s it for?”
“It’s the new Circle android phone. The sim card has been registered as yours. There is a calculator app but it’s used as the portal to enter the Circle chat room. The password to enter the portal is Circle written backwards but in numbers. You need to be online twenty four hours. That’s why we could respond to you immediately. Once there is a new message, your phone will vibrate twice.”
He took the phone but studied Jason.
“You are talking. I have never heard you speak so many words at a go.”
“It won’t last long.”
“How is Cindy?” he asked as he wore the android watch.
“Your concern came late” was his response.
“We need to do a survey of the compound, it’s not far from here.”
“I’m waiting for you to activate your flight bird. I need you to navigate it to the compound. Flight 10 will follow you.”
He did not answer but brought out another box that had a spectacle and gave it to him.
“I need to operate something on your watch.”
He gave him his left hand with the wrist watch. He pressed some of the buttons and tapped the screen, it was definitely a screen touch. The bird suddenly came alive. It flew out through Jason’s opened windscreen. He wore the glasses. Suddenly, he could see the top of the palms as if it were rotating.
“You will soon get used to the sensation. Now you have to direct the bird to the compound. I will follow suit with my bird.”
“How do I do that?”
“Your spectacle, the right side of your spectacle has a button you can rotate and press.”
“Okay” he said his right hand already on the button. It was like driving. He directed the bird out of the plantation, the bird flew past the store he had visited, he directed it till it flew into the compound.
“Direct it to the tallest masquerade tree and press the button” Jason said.
He did as he was told and the bird’s movement stopped.
“Okay it’s now on my map. I will send a copy to your bird, you won’t need to navigate it yourself. Its software is an intelligent AI software.
“This is bad” he said after seeing the crowd in the compound.
“Mark?” Jason called.
“On it” he heard marks voice.
Before he could ask what Mark was going to do, Jason pressed a button on his android watch and images of people started appearing. Mark was scanning the faces as the birds captured them.
“They are all matching with the pictures of Ojogolo arms dealers we have with us” Mark said.
Mark did not need to say anything for him to figure it out. He had spent the whole drive to Ologbo reading Jason’s report. He was good at memorizing faces.
“Thirty in total” Mark said.
“Scan their weapons” he instructed.
“Roger that” Mark said.
“That Toyota Camry was not there when I came here this afternoon.”
“Bingo” Mark said.
A picture was zoomed into his spectacle. The man was resting his back on the driver's door of the Camry. Some writings appeared at the left spectacle.
‘Name: John
Title: Killer.
Position: Second in command.
“Chief is around” Jason said
“Can these be connected to Wild?” he asked.
“Yes, any Circle member can be connected” Mark responded.
“Do that now” he commanded.
“Roger that. I’m sending a message to the chat room before connecting it” Mark said.
“We need to know if we are cleared to attack with Chief around especially if he is going to transfer the boy now” he said.
Just when he had completed his last statement, the door to the boys’ quarter was opened and Chief came out. He knew it was Chief because he had already seen his picture from Jason’s report.
“What’s the obstacle? Over” he heard Wild’s voice.
“I don’t think we have one anymore. Over” he answered.
“Mark has updated me on what is going on” Wild responded.
“I thought Chief was already on the plan of moving the boy but he just came out alone” he said.
“What are the odds? Over” Wild asked.
“Thirty arms dealers to two soldiers” he answered
“That is not the odd Tamed and you know it” Jason responded.
“Their weapons are mostly AK-47, AK-74 rifle and some are with desert pistol and Mossberg 500 Tactical Pump. I saw one with Galil. Over” Mark said.
“Okay, so it’s two against six” he said.
“Right” Jason said.
John opened the passenger’s seat for Chief. He entered the front seat of the car while another entered the driver’s seat. The gate was opened and the car was driven out.
“Now they are twenty eight” Mark said.
“What’s the plan? Over” Wild ask.
“Jason, you find your favorite place and back me up. I will go in through the back fence. Mark is there a chance the barb wires are electrified? Over.”
“Yes. Over” Mark responded.
“Jason we need to blow up that pole connected to the compound and also the generator. Mark can you control my bird? I need you to locate their generator.”
“Roger that” Mark said.
He removed his spectacle to watch what Jason was doing. He was operating his tool box. A weapon appeared on the screen, it had the shape of a cruise missile but small. It opened up to loads of installed bullets. These were no ordinary bullets. They were laser bullets. George and Jason had just succeeded in recreating a suitable one before he left The Circle. The screen of his tool box split into two, one still showed the image of Jason’s weapon while the other showed the image of the electric pole.
“First target confirmed. Permission to launch”
“Permission granted” he said and watched as Jason hit a button.
“A laser bullet left the jet and he saw five minutes countdown.”
“Why that long time? I thought it’s at the speed of light.”
“It’s coming all the way from Benin. And it’s not exactly at the speed of light."
“Generator located. Over” he heard Mark’s voice and immediately wore his spectacle. The generator was at the back of the duplex, and if he could remember well, to get to the back, one needed to go through the car park.
“Jason activate and launch” he said.
“Roger that” Jason responded.
“From what I’m seeing, they are not well trained. What you need most is a distraction that will give them a false position of the enemy then you can enter” Wild stated.
“Let’s show them something they’ve never seen.” That was Ghost.

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