Part Fifteen

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He had just left after dropping her second food for the day but he was still angry. What he could no longer fathom was the reason for his anger, Halima was part of it but he had been angry since Wild mentioned Lord Nero. There was just one place he could relieve his anger. He walked straight to his boxing room but before he started punching his punching bag, he sent a message to the Circle room.
‘You all abandoned her to me but none of you thought she will need food and clothes. I can’t be feeding her yam porridge every day and she needs some clothes’ he sent the message and dropped the phone on the ground.
The more he punched the bag, the more he saw the fear in her eyes, the more he heard Chief call her his most expensive artifacts. As always, Jason was right, he was always right. He could pick out something none of them saw. Jason had known he was referring to her even when all of then failed to notice. The way she had ran to the wardrobe after hearing Chief mention his most expensive artifacts had said it all. That had instantly done the work. She had immediately known she had a new captor and he wished he was acting, he wished everything he did there was fake, but apart from sleeping with her, everything was real. He just had to figure out why seeing her was pissing him off. His phone had been vibrating for a while. He had hoped to calm his raging storm by punching the bag but it was not working. He picked the phone to see their responses.
‘I’m on it Tamed but there is a new development’ Jason had replied.
‘What is it Jason?’ Wild had responded.
‘First Tamed need to learn how to use his gadgets. I cannot be controlling his Flight bird. He has not even bothered to ask where the bird is right now’ Mark wrote.
‘Jason how are you on it? What do you plan on doing, are you going to shop for her clothes?” Doc asked.
‘What new development Jason?” Wild asked again.
‘What is the news?’ he asked.
‘Ojogolo arms dealers just sold two AK47 rifles to four robbers. They had killed three during their last operation. They had revealed they would be testing their new guns this night. There is going to be a robbery at Agbor, in the house of a newly retired teacher who just got his pension. Informant is the man’s brother. He had withdrawn the money for something unknown’ Jason wrote.
‘That is a special omega case. But we can only counter and not prevent the robbery’ Ghost wrote.
Ghost was right, he was their lawyer. He had studied law courtesy of Major Ahmed’s wife. Ghost was like a son to her. Only the president could give an omega command and it was mainly for notorious criminals or those their missions had revealed as threat to humans. Right now, the only option available was to counter the robbery not kill them before the robbery, as much as he hated it, it was the rule. They were not allowed to kill a potential robber or killer except they encountered them in the act, or except they were clear evidence of their crimes.
‘But this is not for us, it’s a simple case for the Special Force or the police. Jason forward the information to my email, I will send it to one of the Special Force team. I’m about to join the meeting’ Wild wrote.
‘But I think it’s still related to our mission. If the Special Force or the police carry out this operation, they will have to give a report and they may capture one of them and they may get to know about Ojogolo’s arms dealers and other things may start happening’ Mark said.
Special Force were sometimes sent to capture suspects but not the Circle. They were only trained on missions and the best way to kill a target.
‘I don’t think it tallies Mark, they will never speak, even if they confess their sponsor, they won’t be able to point out their location, because buyers are blindfolded at a certain point and when they are through with their deal, they are blindfolded again. The only name Special Force or the police may come out with is Ojogolo and there is a twenty percent chance of them discovering one of the dealers within a month’ Jason countered Mark.
‘So the Special Force will handle them. Everyone is busy right now. There is no one to spare’ Wild wrote.
That was their problem, he had a bigger headache at the moment.
‘What are you planning on doing about Halima’s clothes and food?’ he asked.
“Cindy is on it, she has seen her picture and she will get the basics things she needs. We will also buy some foodstuffs and bring it to you this evening’
‘Jason, please tell me you are joking?’ Doc wrote
‘About what?’ Jason replied.
‘You just stated that Cindy is aware of this mission’ Fast wrote.
‘Yes, I tell her everything, it’s our deal.’
‘Jason you know that’s against the rule and also the less she knows, the better’ Wild wrote.
‘I did not break any rule, if they can know we are soldiers why not what we do?’ Jason wrote.
‘Jason, the rule is to protect her, you are risking and putting her in danger by letting her know too much. You are being illogical Jason’ he wrote.
‘Tamed no. You are very wrong. Keeping someone close to you in the dark is what puts them in danger, that was what happened to Abigail’ Jason replied.
‘Jason’ Wild wrote.
‘Let’s face the truth now. Cindy is alive today because she got to know who I was, what I was doing and the situation we had find ourselves in during the civil war mission. I had tried to keep her in the dark but that would have killed her before I could rescue her. She was able to convince Faceless that he was about to murder millions of people because she was aware of what was going on’ Jason wrote.
‘And how did that help her when she was about to be raped by Andrew, or captured by Nick’ he replied.
His anger was now at its peak.
‘Those were times when she could only pray for a miracle and hope I would save her. But there were times when she could save herself and if I had not told her anything, she wouldn’t have been able to get out of Faceless hands because even after knowing he was her uncle, he had still wanted to keep her. You know she would have been kidnapped earlier but she had delayed them by knowing I was supposed to be at Onitsha with George. She had ran into the bathroom giving me the time I needed to get to her. Tamed, you know I don’t know how to sugarcoat the truth. The reason why Abigail died was because she was not given the necessary details, she did not know the dangerous mission you had involved yourself in’ Jason wrote.
‘Jason stop it. This is not the topic for discussion’ Wild wrote.
‘Jason please let’s stop here’ Doc wrote.
‘No, I’m not through. Tamed and all of you need to know why the closest person around you must know what you are doing. There is no way Cindy will betray me, she will rather be dead, that was the same for Abigail so why keeping them out. Tamed you need to face the truth that if Abigail had known, she wouldn’t have opened the door. Your house was secured, there was no break in because it would have taken Nero’s men long time to get in. She had opened the door for them. If she had known what you were doing, she would have done what Cindy had done and it would have given you enough time to get to her. She was killed seconds before you arrived. George and I had arrived seconds after you had killed Nero’s men. I’m going to protect Cindy my way and nobody should tell me I’m putting her in danger, if you don’t want me pissed off’ Jason wrote.
He had to read Jason’s text again. Others had replied Jason but he could not see what they wrote, he could only see Jason’s last text. The phone fell from his hands and he found himself punching his punching bag. But it was not working because he was suddenly relieving the last minutes of Abigail, how he had felt when he heard the gunshot just seconds after entering his compound. He did not know how he had done it but the five men in his compound were dead in seconds. Then he had ran to her, he had seen the blood and her last breath.
Suddenly, he could feel the pain again, the helpless pain of holding her dead body. Another punch opened his bunching bag, he did not care as the force sent debris scattering around the room. The pain he had wanted was back, but it was too much. He let out a groan as he held his heart, as he fell on the ground. Jason was right. Abigail had opened the door, he would never know what they had told her to make her open the door, but she had been the one to open the door, she wouldn’t have opened if she had known. The pain increased, there was still the feeling of a hole in his heart but somehow it felt like the hole was being refilled with liquid flame. He had carried out a brutal extinction of Lord Nero’s clan but he was also guilty. Abigail had died because of him. If he had not met Abigail at the restaurant that day he had gone to get food, she would have still been alive. This was what he had wanted, this was the feeling he had yearned for, but not anymore, he would take it if he could only remember her dead body, he would take that torture but not the girl smiling at him, not the girl asking him if the food he was ordering was for three. Not the picture of what Abigail could have been. His phone had been vibrating but he was not ready to go back to the chat room, he was not ready to read any counter opinions. He did not want to read texts trying to tell him he did nothing wrong, because Jason was right. His phone started ringing, he ignored it but had to pick the call after it kept ringing. It was Wild.
“Don’t fucking tell me Jason is wrong.”
“I have something that can calm you” Wild said.
“I have changed my mind about the operation. Jason will forward the details and coordinates of the robbery to you. They are all yours. I’ve instructed Mark to position your flight bird at a strategic point in your compound so we can know what’s going on. Jason and Cindy will be bring the things Halima will need including food. They will not see her but will wait till you come back. What do you say Tamed?”
“I’m in.”
“Don’t meet Halima before you go. You are a danger to her now.”
“Get lost Wild” he replied ending the call.
Wild was a friend he could count on in moments like this. He knew exactly what he needed. He needed something or someone to pour his boiling rage on and Wild had given him a gift.  At the moment, some robbers were preparing to release terror on innocent citizens, thinking they were the predator, if only they knew they were about to become the prey.

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