Part Thirteen

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{I shake with fear, I shudder from head to foot.}
        She must have slept off again because she opened her eyes and saw herself on the floor by the door. There must have been something on that drug Chief’s doctor had given to her. She must have joined the beast man to cheat. They were trying to delay telling Chief she had passed the test because they wanted Chief to punish her.
She stood up and started hitting the door, she would not rest until they let her see Chief.
“Get me out. I have passed the test, I want to meet Chief. You are liars. Get me out” she shouted.
No one came but she had to hit the door harder, she must not give up.
“Open the door, get me…..” She was not allowed to finish her statement as the door was suddenly opened, the force sending her to the floor.
It was the beast man that was at the door.
“I thought my friend have told you Chief is not coming back.”
There was something different about his voice, it was deep, angry and scary.  He bent down to meet her on the floor so she could see his face. She could tell he was angry and it was making her afraid.
“Look at me” he commanded.
There was such force in his voice that she found her eyes meeting his but almost immediately, she turned her eyes the other way. His eyes were not looking normal, it was supposed to be white but his white part was looking red. Even Chief’s own had been red many times but not as dark as the beast man. She moved backwards but the beast man moved closer.
“I don’t give a damn on what Chief told you. Chief and I are enemies and he should pray not to meet me because I will slice his throat and watch him bleed to death. And I will enjoy it” he said in that his scary voice and same time, he brought out a knife and pushed it to her face. 
“Halima look at me when I’m talking to you” he roared making her shrink back.
Her body on its own started shaking. He did not give her the opportunity of looking at him by herself, he raised her head and forced her to look at him.
“Watch” he said bringing out what Chief had called an android phone. It was a bit bigger than Chief’s own.
He tapped something on it and Chief’s face appeared on it.
She watched and listened to what Chief was saying. Fear gripped her when Chief mentioned his most expensive artifacts had been stolen. Without thinking, she pushed the phone away and ran towards the wardrobe were she sat down shaking with fear. Chief had always called her his most expensive artifacts anytime he was pleased with her. He always said she was a treasure meant for only him. It was not a test, Chief was not testing her, he was serious when he had said someone was looking for her. Chief had always reminded her of the bodyguard. He had always said there were people worse than the bodyguard. That if they caught her, she would be whipped and eaten. She heard footsteps making her raise her head. He was coming to meet her. He was the beast Chief always talked about. There was no doubt he was bigger than Chief and he would do worse than Chief, no Chief had been doing her good. He had always told her that he was the kindest amongst all those who had pets.
“Good you now understand your new situation. Chief is no longer your new owner. Forget Chief, you will never see him again” he said raising her head up.
She knew he was big when she had first seen him but the closeness made her realize he was bigger than what she thought. She was so small compared to him. She shook with fear as he made her stand up. Her height ended at the top of his stomach close to his chest. He bent her head so she could see him.
“Here is the new rule. I don’t ever want to hear you mention Chief again.” His voice was becoming scarier.
He turned her in circle.
“You look skinny, I don’t like skinny. I need you fleshy.”
Her fear turned to panic. Chief had said if the bodyguard had not brought her to him, he would have forced himself on her and he wouldn’t have stopped till she died. The bodyguard was very small compared to the beast before her. He would never take him back to Chief, he had stolen her from Chief and he was going to be doing what Chief had done to her, but he was too big, she was going to die.
“Chief doesn’t touch me until after seven markings.” Her fear made her mention Chief before she could remember he had told her not to ever mention Chief again.
She did not see him bring out a gun, he was so fast. She felt something flew past her ear before it hit the wall. The sound of the gunshot made her scream in panic.
“I don’t give a fuck about Chief” he shouted.
He dragged her to the bed and pushed her. She found herself on top of the bed. He was right next to her.
“I do my things my own way. I can touch you now, I can touch you later. But it’s like you are yet to understand I’m a beast. You call me a beast but you don’t fully know what a beast is. Next time you mention Chief’s name when I have not given you my permission, you will be more worried about this that you won’t ever remember his name anymore” he said pushing the gun on her forehead. He was going to shoot her.
“Do you understand me, Halima?” he shouted.
She nodded almost immediately.
“Good” he said standing up.
“Looks like that damn Chief likes you skinny but you must add some flesh for me. I will be sending your food thrice daily. Don’t piss me off by not eating it” he said opening the wardrobe.
He started packing the clothes out of the wardrobe. She had thought those clothes were for her but he was removing them.
“These clothes belonged to Abigail. They are not your size but even if they are your size, there is no way I’m going to allow you wear them.”
“Where is Abigail?”
He turned to look at her. She immediately shrunk into the bed. She was not supposed to talk. She had made a terrible mistake. He was going to whip her or shoot her.
“She is dead.”
He had been speaking with an angry tone but there was nothing to compare the deep angry voice he used to answer her question.
He had killed her. Chief had said others kill their pets when they got tired of them but he was going to keep her forever. Chief was talking about people like Beast. He had gotten tired of Abigail and he had killed her. Now she was his new pet. Her body continued to vibrate as she wondered how long she had.
“Your second food will be coming soon. Don’t even think of escaping, except you want to see what I do to those who try to escape me” he said walking out of the room.
Was that what happened to Abigail? She had tried to escape and he had killed her. As the door was shot with a loud bang, she leapt up in fear. He was gone but she did not know when he would come back, when he would touch her. Was she being punished because she had recently thought about getting free from Chief? Now her wish had been granted and she had been thrown into the arms of a beast.
She tried controlling her vibrating body but it wouldn’t stop. She knew why her body was not listening to her. Her body could somehow take Chief’s whipping but her body had never accepted his invasion, it had always felt repulsive, it had always felt like thousands of earthworm were moving all over her body. She had always emptied the contents of her stomach in the bathroom once Chief left. Now she had a new master and he was two times bigger than Chief and he had killed six and five of Chief’s men all by himself, and he had captured her. He was going to do worse than Chief and there was no escape. She heard a long forgotten familiar sound by the window. She quickly left the bed and ran to the window. It was the noise of birds. They were perched on one of the palm trees. Except that was not a palm tree, it was a coconut tree. They were so beautiful, one had a long yellow tail. She forced her face to touch the window and turned sideways to know how far her eyes could see the grasses and different trees. She could see a small clearing, there were long grasses looking as if they were planted. They were spaced and each had a long stick which it was twined to. The grasses were looking familiar but she could not remember the name. Her left side were just bushes and more trees. No, she could see a mango, pawpaw and orange tree. There were some ripe pawpaw fruits and a bird was picking on it. But how did she know their name? Another bird joined the first bird but a bigger bird made the both to fly away. She smiled as she watched the scene before her. Her smile did not last long as she heard the door being opened. She did not know how long she had been standing by the window. She must have stood there for a while. She tried running back to the bed but he was already inside.
“Thinking about escaping through the window?” he asked in his deep voice.
She shook her head vigorously in response.
“Good because those iron bars were made with the finest iron. It will take a long time for even a laser knife to cut through it. Don’t even think about opening the bullet proof louvers” he ordered.
She did not understand most of the things he said but she knew there was no escape for her. He must have come to touch her she thought as her fears returned.
“Your second food is here for the day. Come here Halima” he commanded.
She quickly ran towards him. He placed the plate on the floor and told her to sit down.
“Open it and eat. You have three minutes to finish it” he said bringing out his gun.
She sat down and opened the plate. It was same food she had eaten earlier. Chief had only given her food once in a marking, Beast had said he would give her food thrice because he wanted her to add flesh. As she stretched her hand to pick a yam, he stopped her.
“Did you not see the other bowl of water? Wash your hands.”
She quickly obeyed.
“I don’t have the time to watch you eat, just make sure that food is empty before I come back. Do you understand?”
She nodded.
He left the room and like the last time, he shot the door with force making her jerk.
She had always dreamed of eating thrice in a marking and her dream finally came through. But she did not like the way it came through. He was feeding her because he wanted her to add flesh, so he could force himself on her. She had not cried for a long time except when Chief had whipped her but tears flowed out of her eyes down to her jaw as she took a bite of one of the loads of meat.

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