11 June -:- Entry 3

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"There's a punishment for every mistake.
If there are sorrows in fate, there is a reason for that too."


Yuna took me out today to have some fresh air because according to her, I haven't got out of my house since two months now.

She isn't wrong though. What's the point of going out without you? But, she somehow managed to squeeze out a yes from me.

I had to dress up. Of course, I didn't wear my clothes. I never do. Your black t-shirts are the only ones that matter to me.

Chaeryeong had purchased the same t-shirts, same colour and of same company, but they're not the same as yours. I never felt the comfort I feel in yours.

Thank God you left three of them before leaving. Now my life's dependent on them. Your faint cologne is still present. I hold them close whenever I'm not able to sleep, but they always end up making me cry even more haha.

Anyways, so it was fun with her. I smiled after so long. We went to the salon, she got me a new haircut for change. I refused at first because I know how much you like my long wavy hair. 

But she convinced me as it's one of the many steps took to move on from you. Yeah, so now my hair are mid-length straight. I wish you were here with me to see how good they look!

But how can I forget that you have left. 

On our way back home, the bakery on the side of street 14. Memories of us once again flooded my mind and I had to hold back tears.

It attracted me as if it were a magnet. The next thing I knew was that I had already started walking in it's direction.

The sweet smell of cream and frostings were the first thing we noticed after entering. It felt so good. I made my way towards the menu on wall and Yuna followed. As usual, I ordered your favorite almond pastry.

We ate in silence. I was still reminiscing how you used to steal from my plate after eating yours. How I used to frown and fake cry so you'd buy me more. And after you fell for my trap, we used to laugh it off.  

She held my hand and I realised I've been zoning out. She asked me if I was okay and I nodded.

When I went to pay, the cashier asked me why didn't you come with me.

I felt my world collapsing. I never knew she'd ask this. But it's not her fault since I haven't told anyone about what happened to the "perfect" us.

Reluctantly pulling up a smile on my face, I informed her that we broke up.

Do you know what she did?? She started laughing. She said that it's a terrible joke. She didn't even believe that we aren't together anymore.

But her laughs died when I told her I was serious. I paid for the pastry and left as soon as possible. I just let the tears flow. There was no meaning in stopping them.

Gosh why is it so difficult for the world to accept that you've already left me?!

-With love, Lia.


"He never came. He never will."

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