13 July -:- Entry 6

702 71 48

"What I thought of as the truth,
has now become just an illusion."


Sorry for not writing to you since the past few weeks, I've been really off lately :(

Anyways, what do you think is love?

For me, love is the feeling that frees us of all the pain of life.

Well, this was my definition of love. Now it's not. Love only added pain to my life. Love made me miserable. Love made me frail.

Love is terrible. I hate it.

I always thought that love is magic.

But then again, magic is nothing but an illusion.

Your love was an illusion. I failed to identify it. I got so lost in this magic, I forgot the reality.

I want to write more but there's someone on the door. So I'll continue this tomor-


"He never came. He never will."

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