Author's note

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Hi everyone! It's me, your shitty and annoying author, penguin.✨

First of all, thanks for reading this book. I never expected I'd get this much love by y'all, so thanks!♥️✨

After all the angst, I hope the last chapter was fluffy enough for you✨

Yeah, that's basically it. Now I'm going to blabber so if you're not interested, you can leave, no pressure to read further✨

I had already written this book four months ago. It was originally a chaelisa fic. But I changed it to soolia since I've been loving that ship lately✨

[You can expect more soolia books in future from me ;)]

The ending was not meant to be how it is now. Lia was supposed to die, as stated in the last entry, but I changed it because the whole book was already too angsty. WE ALL NEED FLUFF AT SOME POINT IN OUR LIFE PEOPLE!✨

I got the idea of this book after I listened to the song Piya Aaye Na when my playlist was on shuffle. So yeah, it was completed random when I thought of it✨

Ok I should stop now or else I will go for the whole day hahaha✨

Once again, I'm really thankful you gave it a try and loads of love if you made it till the end✨

I really appreciate all my readers. Have a good night/day, and stay safe✨

With regards,

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