Kim's POV
Six o'clock. I'm awake.
We were going to camp, I couldn't say that I was ecstatic about it because I have watched the wrong turn movies. Everyone dies and all my friends will be there. Maybe I am paranoid, my friends are so excited they packed the same day we were told about the camp. Dee and I had forgotten about the church choir camp but luckily it was postponed to during the school break.I won't be seeing my Aunt for a month. Hallelujah. But it also means I'll be a month behind on my rent because I won't be working and earning money, I'll just cross that bridge when I get there. All I wanted was to enjoy the two weeks with my friends and boyfriend. I hoped Tim and Junior would get along though.
"Kim are you ready?" Dee said entering the house.
"Yes let's go" I said picking up my single suitcase and school bag. I didn't pack much just the basics enough clothes and toiletries, in the school bag there was books of course.
"You are kidding me right?" she said throwing her hands up.
"What?" I asked confused.
"This is all you have?" she exclaimed and I nodded. "All your things couldn't have fitted there. I have three suitcases"
"What are you carrying? A dead body"
"Haha so funny"
"Seriously how are you going to carry three suitcases all the way to school"
"We have a ride"
Three hours later we arrived at the camp. News flash we were late and we got on the last bus with people we don't know. To make matters worse there was not enough space for Dee's three suitcases so Peter the one who gave us a ride had to go back with one suitcase but not before Dee made a scene about having the right to carry as much clothes as she likes. My best friend is getting dumber to the point that I'm getting worried.
Newlands camp area. A big board was written at the entrance. We got off the bus and it was really beautiful and green. It looked like a camp rock movie except the cabins were bigger and less colourful.
"I feel like singing" Dee exclaimed taking in the surroundings.
"This is real, this is me" I sang and she grinned and joined in. I'm exactly where I'm supposed be now, I'm gonna let the light shine on me this is me.
"You are in the last group of people to arrive" a teacher interrupted our singing, "go to the board over there take a map and look for your name and cabin number. There will be a meeting at six pm in the camp hall, be there"
"Be there" Dee mocked the teacher while I checked the board and she took a map.
"We are in cabin 28" I said to Dee and she looked at the map.
"We have a long way to go" she said. And she wasn't lying it took us thirty minutes to find our cabin not because it was far no it was because Dee was holding the map upside down.
"Finally" she said when we got to a black door with a 28 on it. I glared at her in return and opened the door, dropping my suitcase hard on the wooden floor and received attention from the people inside. Tim, Nat, Junior and Vic.
"Woah, Kim what happened?" Nat asked as I went in further with Dee behind me struggling with her suitcases.
"What makes you think something happened" I snapped looking around. We were in the living room, it had a huge brown couch and a small brown coffee table table and a TV. To my right there was a little kitchen and to the left three closed doors that I'm guessing are the bedrooms. I just described the cabin, yess, I feel like that's an accomplishment.
Romance~~~~ Finally the day is over, things could have gone a lot worse but the only bad thing I got from today was getting paired with Tim in a business studies assignment. Me and him both arrived late third class and others had already chosen their partn...