Starting over

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  I was staring at a blank white wall in my math class dazing always. "It feels like this class lasts forver sometimes" i whispered to myself until I heard my teacher call my name "y/n!!" I walked to her desk while she looked at me with those evil eyes (I really didnt like my math teacher because i knew she was failing me.) When I got to her desk I stood infront of her and we stared at each other for a while then she began to talk "Y/n do you know why you're failing this class?" she paused then she said "Because you never pay are always dazing off!!!" I walked out of the classroom rolling my eyes."She just doesnt understand" I whispered to myself as I walked to my next class. When I got to my class I sat where i usually sat which was next to my friend. I was talking to my friend when I heard my name being yelled out from across the classroom.

  "Y/n!" I stood up quickly and I responded in a shaky voice "yess-ss ma-m.." "Go sit next to Audrey!" I walked over to the desk next to her and I started explaining how to set up her notes but then she interuptted me. "shut up....I really dont give a sh!t" The next few days she started saying things about how i looked ( she would call me fat,ugly,etc...) I walked to my dorm room and I slammed the door and I just layed there on my bed..crying. I started thinking about everything that Audrey had said earlier that day ans I even started crying more about the thought that it might be true.

  I went into the bathroom and sat on the counter. I opened the mirror cabinet where I had medication. I got the small container that was the most pills in it and then i opened the lid and I took out about five pills. I looked at the pills that were layed out on the palm of my hand and I raised my hand up to my mouth when all of a sudden I heard the door open.

  "Y/N" I quickly jumped off of the counter and i put the pills back in its container then I came out of the bathroom. "Ohh, Y/N there you are!" I looked at her impatiently while faking a smile hoping that she was going to leave soon. I started walking towards my bed knowing that she wasnt going to leave anytime soon so I thought might as well just sit in bed like I always do but as I walked towards my bed I could feel her staring at me.

  "Whats wrong?" She asked. "Nothing." I said as I looked down at my arms which had about a dozen scars on each. She stared at me with a worried look on her face thinking that maybe I had cut again so I looked up at her. "No" I answered as she stared at me. "What do you mean no? She said with a confused tone as if I didnt know she was looking at my arms. "I havn't cut..... if you were wondering ." She looked at me in a pity facial expression because she knew what I had been through and I always knew she felt bad for me. "Y/N I didnt mean--" I interrupted her. "No, its okay..."

  I layed on my bed and that night I cried...and cried..and cried. The next morning I got ready and walked out of my dorm room even though I wanted to stay in because it was cold and it was raining and I just didnt want to leave my dorm room but I did anyways. When I got to my second class I sat in the corner of the classroom, quiet like always but then I felt someone sit next to me which was weird because there was a bunch of empty seats in the front of the classroom but then again no one ever wanted to sit next to Mr.Lethermen I mean he scares people by just looking at them.

   Anyways I didnt really feel like looking at the person who had sat next to me but then they tapped my shoulder so I turned around. I saw this tall brown-haired guy with green eyes and oh my gosh he was just perfect. "what are we doing right now im sorry if i bothered you its just im new here and I just wanted to ask" he said. I smiled and then I just explained what we were doing. "My name is Adam by the way." he said as I walked out of the classroom smiling. He was really good looking but I thought he might of been those types of guys that were really good looking but turned out they were jerks so I didnt really think much about it.

  The next few days I decided not to go to my classes because Audrey and her friends kwpt on talking shit about me so I decided not to go to my classes for the next five days. I took a shower then after that I sat on my bed and watched t.v but then ten minutes inti the show I heard a knock at the door so I got up and grunted because lets just say I wasnt in the mood to be social with anyone not even my roommate (which by the way was visiting her parents in cali.) 

  I walked to the door and opened it and I opened my eye widly when I saw Adam standing right there smiling. "Umm.. Adam what are you---" I stuttered until he interrupted me. "I'm sorry I came here without an invitation I just needed to make sure you were ok" I stared at him as I saw him smile because I think he noticed that I was starting to blush. "Yeah i'm okay just felt a little sick thats all." He looked at me for a while and smiled. "well good because we are going to a party today ok." I looked at him and i was about to say something but he looked at my lips and kissed me then he said "Ok good i'll pick you up at seven then. " Ugh I hated when he acted cheeky because it was cute and it was hard to tell him "No".

  I glanced at the alarm clock that was set down on my desk and I saw that it was 6:00. Sh!t i only have 30 minutes to get ready!So I rushed and put a dress on and I put a little bit of make up on and straightened my hair. By the time I was done it was 6:58 so I rushed to put on my shoes and opened the door. When I opened the door he was right there standing infront of me smiling like always... "Oh hey Y/N in a little bit of a rush are we?" "Shall we go now?" I asked. "yes we shall...ladies first" He gestured for me to go first. He held my hand walking me to the other dorm room where the party was being held. We walked in and everyone turned to stare at us because of course how could a guy like him take a girl like me to a party or anywhere in that matter.

  First he introduced me to a couple of his friends but then I came across Audrey which by the way liked Adam. Audrey looked at me in disgust. " Ew..why would Adam take you to a party I mean you're one of the ugliest girls here.." I walked quickly towards the door trying to refrain myself from crying. I got to my dorm room crying. I rushed to my bed and I sat there crying for a while. I looked down as I felt two hands cup my face softly and gently. "Y/N... whats wrong.?"

  "Just go away please.." I said as I looked up at him.  "No.. what's wrong? He got my arms and looked at them but I quickly pulled away. "Y/N why-- why did you do this?" He asked me as he sat down next to me holding my hand, looking down and I noticed that he had felt sad because he thought I didnt want to tell him and I knew he was only trying to help me so I looked at him. "I stopped a few months ago..." He looked at me as if telling me to go on. "I started when I lost my mom because I got bullied at school and she was the only one who was there for me and the only one who at least heard me out you know.. I felt like she was the only one who cared and she wasn't there anymore...I felt alone."

  "Y/N you're not alone."  I looked at him as he rolled up his sleeves as he showed me his scars. "Y/N I promise I won't let anyone hurt you and I swear that i will love you and I wont ever leave you." I looked at him and I pulled him closer kissing his cheek and then I hugged him tightly as I dug my face in his neck.

  The thing is that the happiest people can sometimes spend the whole night crying and you won't even know it. To some people he was known as the "rich kid" and to others he was "the popular kid" but to me.. he was known as my hero.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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