𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨

147 9 3

August 23, 2019
6:39 p.m.


Sitting on Emilys single sofa chair, in her room, the doorbell rang.

Emily got up to go open the door, only to see the last person we were waiting for, Martha Johnson.

We all befriend her last year during a football game, and ever since talking to her there, she's been apart of our friend group. Kayla likes to say she was the kissing piece very friend group has.

'Start the movie!.'


Halfway through the movie, i noticed everyone starting to get bored, "Let's play a game?" I asked out of nowhere, "Like what?" Kayla asked.

"Hmm.. how about.." Emily started getting up, walking towards her shelf of bored games, "Ive got Uno, Monopoly, Jenga, Truth or Dare, or... that's really the only games." She finished, chuckling at her last sentence.

"Most definitely not Truth or Dare, we've all seen how those movies end." Matthew said, shaking his head.

"Wait, Emily didn't you just buy ingredients to make sugar cookies?" Marcus asked, "Wait yes i did! Follow me!!" Emily said excited to make cookies with her best friends.

All running after her, the front doorbell opened, revealing Emilys mom, walking in with her work bag.

"Oh, hi guys!" She said once she saw us walking into the kitchen.

'Hi Mrs Johnson!'
'Hi, how was your day?'

Was said as we stopped to greet her. She motioned for us to continue walking to the kitchen, while she took her shoes off.

Once she was done, she walked into the kitchen, "Making cookies?" She asked, "Yeah, there wasn't a thing else to do.." Emily said, grabbing bowls.

"Alright, i'll be in my room. Please do not burn my house down.." She said smiling, walking to her bedroom.

Making cookies is easy, except when seven teenagers are making them.. let's just say we all did a fair amount of cleaning as the cookies were in the oven.

Taking them out, checking if they were good, Martha set the aside to cool down as we all walked into the living room to sit down and wait.

"That was so fun!" Charles said laughing, probably remembering the face of Marcus, covered in flour.

"As much as i hate you all right now, that was pretty fun.." Marcus said, breaking his grudge, smiling.

All laughing, we started walking back to the counter to see if the cookies were ready to eat.

Once seeing they were warm/cold enough to eat, we all started reaching and eating them.

On the floor, sofa chair, and bed of Emily's bedroom, we all talked about how good the cookies were and how we should do that more often.

"Almost nine, mom wanted me home before ten." Marcus said, getting up and stretching from laying on the floor. "Probably should get going also, was gonna help Layla with a project.." I said getting up from the bed.

"Okay! Still meeting up at Cassidy's tomorrow?" Kayla asked, "Yep, 1 pm sharp, or i'll probably text you all when my mom leaves and when Layla goes to her friends house." I said grabbing my backpack from the side of the door, where all of our backpacks where stacked on top of each other.

"Okay, text us when you get home." Emily said, while walking Marcus and I to the door, "Yes, goodnight," "Always do." Marcus and I said at the same time.

Laughing, Emily nods and waits for us to get into the van, Marcus starting the van and driving out of the driveway, Emily waves and goes inside, knowing her friends were good and on their way home.

The drive was calm and quiet, not those awkward quiet drives, the comfortable type of quiet ones, which is always the way Marcus and I drive, enjoying each other's company.

Marcus drives up to the sidewalk of my house, as i grab my bag, opening the door, "Goodnight Marcus," I said as i stepped out of the car, "Goodnight Cassidy," He responded, looking at me.

Smiling, i closed the door and started walking towards my front door, i heard the window open, "Cass, text me if you need anything okay?" He said, which made me smile even more than before,

"Will do, Goodnight." I responded. He smiled and waiting till i opened my front door to drive off,

Today was the best day.

The Last Seven,

episode two,
Friday nights,

play episode two?
yes | no

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