𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Start writing your story

august 27, 2019
2:17 a.m.


Opening my eyes and gasping to a sound of a metal door, i turn my head and see everyone still sleeping.

"Charles! Hey, Charles wake up!" i whisper as i shake Charles lightly. "Hmm?" He groans, opening his eyes. "Whats wrong?" He whispers back, also turning his head to see everyone still sleeping.

"I heard a metal door swing from outside.." I say, turning my head towards the window. "A metal door?" He asks, getting up quietly to check the window. He opens the curtain a tiny bit, just to peak outside.

"Theres a blue light coming from the store thats next to here, maybe its just electricity." He says, as he walks back to the bed.

Another boom like sound erupts, waking everyone up. "What was that.." Emily says, sitting up from where she was sleeping.

"Its the second time its happened." I state, looking over at Charles.

"Theres a blue light coming from the store thats next to here, the metal door keeps on swingin-" Charles gets cut off my Kayla, "But wasnt that door closed when we got here? How could the wind end up opening it.?" She asks, as she gets up, and walks over to look at the window that is besides me.

"Should we go and look to see whats in there?" I ask, looking at Marcus while rolling my eyes.

Rolling his eyes as well, he looks around, "Put your shoes on and grab a jacket." He tells us as he goes to the bathroom.

"I didnt mean to actually go in.." I mutter, as i slide my hoodie on. "Ready?" Marcus says, walking out of the bathroom.

All nodding, we quietly walk out of the hotel room, making sure one of us has a key, we start to jog over to where the metal door was hitting the wall.

Looking at each other, Charles opens the door- only to find tvs that show a camera like screen.

"what is this place." I mutter walking to one on the small tvs. "I wonder where these lead to.."Emily whispers.

Messing with the cameras of the tv i was in front of, i end up moving the screen to show a different one. "Woah guys look at this! Looks like Cass's living.. room." Matthew says, walking up behind me.

Looking at the screen with wide eyes, a spark like sound comes from outside the building.

Waling outside we all look up, only to see a hunger games type of sky. A fake sky.

"Congratulations. You seven have passed the test." A voice speaks from no where.

"A test?" Martha asks, "Yes a test Ms. Johnson, a test to see if you seven could survive all alone." A voice said, sounding closer than before.

Hearing another door open, we turn our heads in the direction the noise is coming from.

"Mom?!" I say, shocked to see her, also mad. "Wait what is going on?" Martha asks, as she sees her parents walk out of the room my mom did, along with all of the other parents.

"You guys set this up?!" Charles asks, "It's a law thing, every year they pick a person- or say a group- as you seven- and put them in a place that makes it seem that they are on their own." Marcus's dad says.

"We though you all actually died." Emily says, obviously mad with her parents. "You all didn't even bother to leave a note or anything!"

"That was the whole point, to see if you would all survive on you're own- but but seeing your all a close group of friends, we put you all in the same test." The man who was wearing a suit said.

"So all- everything that we did, was just a waste of time then?" I ask, "Not entirely, we did it to see if kids like you- can survive on a apocalyptic type world-" Matthew cuts him off, "Yeah- you already said that!"

"To see if you can work as a group." The man continues, ignore Matthew's comment.

"So this again is just pointless?" Kayla asks, "Can we just go now?" Charles asks annoyed that this is even a thing.

The man only gestures his hand towards a door. All confused, we go out and see a normal world.

Cars driving in the highway, people walking their dogs, some just on jogs.

All muttering a quick 'see you later' we walk to our parents car, over with the whole thing.


The drive home was quiet. An awkward 'no-one-knows-what-to-say' type of quiet.

Once we got to the driveway, i immediately open the car door and walk into the house, into my room that looked like no one had been in.

Quickly texting the group that i made it home, i jump on my bed.

Knock, Knock

The door opens revealing my mom who looked as normal as ever.

"Yes?" I ask, "Uh- How was the thing?" She asks as if there isn't a billion questions to ask.

"Fine. I have to sleep." I say annoyed, for like the millionth time.

"Yeah- get rest, goodnight honey." She says as she pats my leg and walks out the door.

Turning my body towards the window, i stare until I daze off, just like the 'night at the hotel'.

The Last Seven,

episode eight,

exit out?
yes | no

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍   ,  𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥!Where stories live. Discover now