|-| Chapter IV |-|

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The hyena was inches away from Citrus's face. Before Citrus could say anything, she growled, "I did you a favour last night, kid. So keep your trap shut and go get your pals." and she walked off.

So he did. He ran back to where he left Whippy and Peppercorn, and they had already woken up.

"Citrus? Where'd you go?" Peppercorn asked, sitting up.

"I uh... Not anyplace important. But you guys... what happened last night, exactly?" Citrus asked.

"Well," Whippy said, his face looking like he had realized someone killed his parents. "Lemme at those sons of a bi- OW!"

Peppercorn had bit Whippy's tail. She looked at him and growled, "As you were saying," walking over towards Citrus. "A bear attacked. Well, multiple, actually. A grizzly, two black bears, and a polar bear."

"What? Why though?" Citrus asked, scratching his head. "We'll figure it out, I guess. C'mon. Let's head into the actual city instead of sitting around in a huge forest."

Whippy and Peppercorn nodded. Peppercorn lead the way until they got to the hospital.

"I should probably get this looked at." Peppercorn said, looking down at her missing arm. She walked into the building and disappeared behind the sliding doors.

"So... I think we sh-" *GROWWWWWWWL* Citrus was interrupted by the sound of grumbling. And to nobody's surprise, it was Whippy.

"Sorry, tiny, but I'm starving. Can we grab some food first?" Whippy mumbled.


They walked over towards a small red brick building. There were six tables, two with two chairs and the rest with four.

"Hello." Their waitress was a red panda, which wasn't red- black fur replaced the red fur of the red panda. "What can I get for you folks?" She said in a southern accent.

"I'll have a salad, please." Citrus asked.

"Surprise me!" Whippy said. He was doing finger guns and winking at the now flustered waitress.

"Oh, brother..." Citrus hissed, facepalming.

"A-alright..." The waitress said, scribbling down their orders as fast as she could. She retreated to the kitchen area.

"Nice going, ya idiot." Citrus hissed.

"Oh, buzz off." Whippy snapped.

A while later, the waitress came back and quickly placed their orders onto their table.

"Have a nice day." She said, looking at Whippy. She scurried away and back towards some other tables.

On their table laid a Cesar salad for Citrus and a bowl of spicy salsa drenched in a black, sticky liquid for Whippy.

Citrus ate some of his salad and smirked as Whippy ate a spoonful of the salsa and almost barfed.

"What the heck is in this thing?!" Whippy gasped, swallowing. "It's the chef's special- squid ink salsa." The red panda waitress replied from inside the kitchen, yelling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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