After practice

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Stiles sat in class as he started to fall asleep, soon to be woken back up from the piercing sound of the bell that rung through his ears, he got up from his desk and grabbed his bag throwing his paper into the trash, he walked out of the classroom and began walking to the boys locker room, soon to be met with Grayson and his minions,

Grayson saw stiles and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt" Hey there Stiloser has dear daddy decided to put away anymore innocent men in jail" he said sarcastically and laughed as one of his friends punched Stiles in his lower rib as Stiles cursed under his breath, Grayson held him up against the lockers as his friends began fire throwing punches hitting Stiles everyone but his face, couldn't have people asking to many questions, once Stiles was left bruised and hurt he slid down the lockers and watched Grayson and his minions leave Grayson turned around and looked in Stiles pained filled eyes " Later Stiloser" he said as he saluted him and walked off

Stiles just laid against the lockers trying not to cry he couldn't let Grayson beat him mentally, he picked up his bag and began walking to lacrosse practice he was sore but he knew coach would beat his ass if he didn't make it to practice he saw Scott and Allison making out in the hallway, walked up to Scott and poked his shoulder " Hey Scott I think your gonna want your tongue back in your own mouth when coach yells at you for being late to practice" he laughed " hey Allison" he said as he waved back at the two and continued to the boys locker room once he walked into the locker room he set him bag into his locker and started getting out his lacrosse gear, he looked over to Jackson and scoffed his face just annoyed him after this morning
he started to change into his gear as coach yelled at them all

" now listen here you snot sucking idiots your gonna get your asses out there and your gonna kick some ass ok, ok we got a game coming up this Thursday so don't disappoint me more then my father did and that was quite a bit BUT that's besides the point get out there" Coach nodded and dipped his black coffee signaling for the boys to get out on the field, Stiles laughed a bit at least caught was in a good mood today he saw Scott talking to Allison before the others went out on the field.

Stiles got on the field seeing Jackson talking to his buddies Scott come up to Stiles and sat down " you think you're gonna try and play today?" Scott questioned as he watched Jackson started running for the nets scoring as he threw the ball

Stiles nodded " I don't think you guys really need me, you know with you and Jackson being co captains and all the teams been doing just fine" he smiled lightly he still hurt everywhere his body being felt like he got hit by a slab of concrete Scott nodded and got out on the field scoring a few times him and Jackson surprisingly started to work together " ugh it's about freaking time" stiles said finally appreciating the fact they weren't arguing over the dumbest things.

Coach blew his whistle meaning that practice was over " ok losers you didn't suck to bad out they're but jeez hit the showers I can smell you all from here" he said as he plugged his nose being dramatic like always

Stiles nodded and followed the others walking into the boys locker rooms, everyone had already jumped in the showers Stiles took off his gear and placed it back in his locker and walked over to one of the showers he had already undressed he adjusted the shower water since it was freezing it was now warm and Stiles began washing the sweat off his body, once finished he wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the shower feeling the cold concrete beneath his feet cause his to shiver he looked around and saw Scott had already showered and left with Allison he shook his head " wow the boys really inlove, it's kinda disgusting" he chuckled to himself but soon stopped as it laughing hurt reminding him of the dark purple bruises and the new ones beginning to form from today's beat down, he walked back over to his locker and applied deodorant as he felt eyes looking at him

Jackson's pov~

After Jackson had showered and got out he talked to his friends for a few minutes and couldn't help but look over to Stiles, he looked up his body he wasn't exactly sure why but he did, he noticed the dark black and blue bruises leading up to his neck, he huffed and continued to examine the wounds as he saw the bruises he felt angry he felt his blood boil the thought of Stiles hurting and someone cruel enough to lay a hand on him it upset him granted they didn't like each other at all but still he'd never hurt Stiles, I mean seriously he was a twig whoever hurt him had some serious problems that Jackson would have no problem helping them solve, he walked over to Stiles " what the hell is this" he pointed to Stiles ribs " who did this to you" he questioned

Stiles looked at him " why do you even care?, also it was my fault picked a fight with the biggest guy in school heh like my reward" he joked part of that was a lie

Jackson looked at him with a serious face" Stilinksi don't lie to me, this isn't just a one time thing, this has happened multiple times I can tell you idiot"

Stiles flinched a tad but relaxed " really Jackson it's fine... I'm fine ok thanks for the one time sympathy act though, you should add that to your resumé
though" he said sarcastically " now can you go so I can get dressed and go home I'm tired and I want to go to sleep" he said shooing Jackson away

Jackson didn't listen he wanted to know" yeah sure I'll go after right after... you tell me who did this to you, mkay" Jackson really didn't understand the whole caring act right now but he was just going with it, he really did wanna know what had happened.

Stiles scoffed " fine Jackson you really wanna know, fine, fine I'll tell you, I... picked.... a.... fight! My smartass mouth got me into more trouble then I could handle ok... are you satisfied now" he grabbed his clothes and walked away from Jackson, and walked into one of the bathrooms across from the boys locker room and walked into a stall locking the door behind him he sat down on the toilet seat and sobbed quietly to himself part of him was happy Jackson cared but another part of him just felt like he couldn't tell anyone.......

Jackson stood in the boys locker room he went to grab Stiles arm but he had walked off to quickly, he even walked through the school almost naked just to avoid talking about the bruises that trailed up his back, he sighed and walked over to his locker and slipped his clothes on he thought if he should go after Stiles and apologize for pushing but he figured he'd rather be left alone.

Stiles sat in the stall sobbing to himself as he heard the bathroom door open he heard Grayson whistling through the bathroom hearing it echo off the tile he sat his feet up on the toilet seat hoping Grayson didn't see him in there, he put his hand over his mouth to keep quiet

Grayson continued whistling walking over to each door hitting it hard with each loud bang Stiles jumped quietly trying not to make a sound, Grayson stood outside Stiles stall and punched the stall door, hearing Stiles gasp " did you really think you could hide from me, no one can hide from me!" He shouted outside his stall trying to open it

Jackson had smelled fear, and lot of it, the smell was familiar, it was Stiles.....

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