Late night swim

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Stiles POV~

Stiles began to drive to Jacksons place so the two could talk, he wasn't really particularly sure if he'd want to swim or not, so he didn't bring extra clothes with him, he flipped through the radio stations and all he had gotten was static so he flipped the radio off as he continued to drive, the sun was beginning to go down, as it started to get darker pulling into Jackson's driveway walking out into the back yard, the gate was still shut but he jumped over it almost tripping in the process as the gate opened slightly" great stiles you should've just opened it dumbass great job making yourself look stupid" he facepalmed himself and looked over to the pool Jackson had already gotten in it and started swimming around

Jackson's POV ~

He had waited for Stiles to arrive, he knew the boy didn't live but a few minutes away from him so he decided to go on and get into the pool, he had changed into his swim shorts as he came back outside, unlocking the gate before jumping into the pool he felt the warm water all around him, he began to swim around as he heard a car door shut, Stiles was here and he couldn't help but smile as he glanced over to the back entrance he saw Stiles jump over the gate as he proceeded to trip, he chuckled and tad " you ok Stilinski?" He said with a smile doing rounds around the pool

Stiles looked over to him" never been better jax" he smiled feeling a bit embarrassed he had saw that but set his phone over on the sun chairs taking off his green flannel as he sat it next to his phone, he slipped off his shoes and walked over to Jackson who was still swimming in circles he sat down at the edge of the pool just watching him swim

Jackson had stopped and swam over to Stiles who had sat down on the edge of the pool " I'm glad you decided to get outa your room Stilinski" he said with a slight chuckle as he splashed some water over to Stiles " get in the pool already, you know you want too, I'm too good to resist" he said winking at Stiles

Stiles just watched him in awe " ok I would, but I didn't bring any clothes I forgot" he said sarcastically laughing once being splashed with water and blushing slightly when he had winked at Stiles he looked back over to his phone and stuff as a way for him to hide the fact the Jackson had made him blush

Jackson swam back around the pool stopping in front of Stiles " so is your only excuse not having clothes or are you to scared to swim with me" he said crossing his arms in a joining manner

Stiles laughed " I'm not scared at all I just didn't bring anything with me Jax" he said laughing at his childish manner he took his socks off throwing them over to his flannel an cell phone, kicking water over to Jackson

Jackson laughed " well I guess if your not scared you won't mind if I" He stopped and grabbed Stiles kicking foot dragging him into the water " there that's better don't ya think" he said smirking at him splashing him with water

Stiles jumped up from under the water " really Jackson we're gonna play this game huh" Stiles said swimming after Jackson who was still faster then him, laughing he was actually having fun for once
his only defense was splashing at this point
he had poked Jackson's shoulder to get his attention just so he could swim away from him Jackson turned around grabbing Stiles white t shirt, once it was soaked you could see straight through the shirt the bruises showed very visibly through the wet tee Stiles laughed really using my clothes as an advantage to catching me is no fair" he laughed

Jackson smiled he was too focused on the purple skin that sat in front of him" Stiles....." he said quietly Stiles looked down realizing the tone "Yes Jackson.." he said rubbing his hands through his now wet hair

Jackson swam just a bit closer " Why'd Grayson start bullying you, I know he has a reason based on his past experiences Stiles rubbed his arm" I guess if you really have to know it's because my dad arrested his dad he was placed in prison for 10 years Grayson claimed his dad was innocent but the evidence proved otherwise...... so Grayson took his anger out on me " he shrugged " look it's not really that big of a deal ok" he knew Jackson was curious but he didn't like talking about it, stiles splashed him back trying to lighten the mood back up he had a feeling Jackson wasn't going to let this go though and he was right Jackson had looked back up at Stiles "can I see them" he said referring to his wounds Stiles knew he could already see the but he went ahead and took the white t shirt that was now heavy and soaked off sitting it on the sidewalk beside the pool " there I hope your happy, I mean there's really nothing you can do about it now, they are stuck on me they won't go away till my body heals" he looked down feeling Jackson's eyes all over his back, Jackson had swam closer to Stiles looking at the wounds part of his skin was lightly bruised as the other parts were newer bruises from earlier today some places were broke open and had bled previously he'd frowned looking at all of them, Jackson looked up at Stiles face who had been looking at the water he pulled him into a gentle hug not wanting to hurt him " I promise I won't let anyone else hurt you"  Stiles stood frozen in his grasp surprised at the sudden affection but soon melting into the hug placing his arms around the toned boy the two continued hugging for a while only interrupted by Jackson's mother who had came outside to remind Jackson that tomorrow was a school night they both pulled away and Stiles got out of the pool as did Jackson Stiles walked over to his things and grabbed it all throwing the flannel over his cold shoulders " I'm gonna go ahead and head going home alright I figure you probably should get some sleep" He smiled as he began to walk over towards the gate Jackson really didn't wasn't him to go yet " Stilinski wait, how are you gonna drive home wearing soak and wet clothes hmm, cmon and I'll lend you something try to wear he nodded and followed Jackson into his house.

Jackson's POV~
He walked back up to his room dripping soak an wet as the smaller boy following behind him he figured the least he could do was give stiles something dry to drive home in cause let's face it no one would want to drive hole soaked, once they had gotten up to his room, he opened the door to his closet trying to find something Stiles would feel comfortable wearing he pulled out a pair of black sweatpants with a plain red t shirt and handed it over to Stiles " alright the bathrooms just right there, so you can change" he smiled as Stiles has walked into the bathroom to change out of his wet jeans, he went ahead and slipped out of his swim bottoms and into the grey pair of sweatpants that he had laid out previously before Stiles had gotten over, he sat down on his bed waiting for Stiles to come out, which had been taking a bit longer then he'd expected, he walked over knocking on the door
" hey Stiles are you ok" he said listening to hear his voice, bing led by Stiles sobbing slowly to himself he opened the door seeing Stiles was the the pair of sweat pants, that Jackson had lended him sitting in the floor of Jackson's bathroom, tears running down his face, his eyes had become red and puffy and his nose became stuffy " I'm sorry Jax, I didn't mean to break down in here, really I am sorry, it's just it all hurts so much, and your the only person that has actually noticed me and wasn't kicking my face into the concrete floors at school " he said as a few tears had escaped from his eyes, starting up at the bigger man who had simply say down into the bathroom floor, " Stiles, you could've came to me a lot sooner before it had gotten this bad, I know our friendship was always nonexistent but look I'm here now and nobody else is going to hurt you definitely not on my watch, ok?" He said looking at the tear stains broken boy Stiles looked at him," well at least someone's here for me, I mean yeah Scott would be too, I just don't wanna ruin everything good he has going on right now, and Lydia seems really happy with her and Jordan going out and Malia and Kira are happy as well, it's just everyone around me is so happy and I'm just left in the middle as everyone started to leave, but really Jax, I'm glad you care" he smiled leaning his head on Jackson's shoulder
Jackson didn't know what exactly to say to the poor boy he just let him sit with him in the bathroom floor.

Jackson finally had spoke up " Stiles why don't you stay here for the night, it's already really late, you can just text you dad, but just stay tonight you can sleep in the bed it's big enough for the both of us, I'll sleep on one and and give you space" he smiled softly towards him standing up grabbing for stiles hands to pull him up which he had already done.

"So Stiles will you stay with me tonight?" Jackson asked in a calm tone still unknowingly holding his hand

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