The night stiles slept over "

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Stiles POV~

After hearing those words leave Jackson's mouth he couldn't help but blush he wasn't going to stay but he'd heard how persistent Jackson was and it made him happy on how he was wanted somewhere he had been so alone these past month it felt like, but he knew it was his fault for not speaking up he just didn't wanna be a burden, Jackson was the only person who knew and he seemed like he cared more then anyone right now, which made his heart melt, he leaned over on Jackson's shoulder " yeah I think I'll stay Jax, it's already late and I told my dad already that'd I was going out" he smiled lightly still in pain both mentally and physically feeling the warmth of Jackson's body still sitting in the wet clothes from Jackson dragging him into the pool he looked over to the taller boy " uh Jackson I gotta change now" he chuckled softly indicating Jackson to go or at least turn around Jackson chuckled and turned around he didn't exactly want to leave the sad boy that sat in his bathroom floor so he just looked away so Stiles could slip out of the soaked jeans that stuck so tightly to his legs, Stiles smiled and slipped out of jeans almost falling over, he took off the rest of his wet clothes and dried off slipping on the sweat pants that were just a tad too big, he tied the draw strings and tapped Jackson's shoulder watching him turn around " I almost fell over but hey at least I got out of those awful jeans" he chuckled following Jackson out of the bathroom into the large bedroom he sat down on the bed and smiled " so Jax can I ask you something" he said fiddled with his fingers waiting for Jackson to turn around.

Once Jackson had turned and looked over to Stiles he smiled and held his hands preventing the boy from fiddling his fingers he wanted to comfort him " of course Stilinski what's up" he gave him a comforting smile Stiles looked up" why all of a sudden are you being so nice to me, actually, I don't get it every encounter we've ever had we've always been mean to each other, so why stop now?" He said nervously feeling anxious Jackson held onto his shaking hands " well maybe it's cause I never wanted to admit to myself that I liked you Stilinski, you actually interest me unlike so many others who'd always act a different way around me just cause I had money, you never treated me any different no matter what, but.... I felt even worse knowing you'd been hurting for so long and no one had stopped and helped you out of this mess I guess seeing all the bruises on you it just made me feel awful, your a good person Stiles" Jackson smiled seeing a few tears run down Stiles red cheeks he frowned "Stiles you don't have to cry" he said pulling him into a hug "Jackson.... I don't even know what to say, you've been so nice to me, and you've done so much for me I'm glad to have you as my friend it's sucks to be under sad circumstances"
he truly felt happy to have Jackson as his friend it was weird calling him his friend but Jackson set a fire in his chest that wouldn't seem to die down it'd been like this since Jackson helped him in the boys restroom yesterday he had no idea what it meant he felt Jackson hug him and melted into the hug feeling the coldness of his body drift away at the feeling of his skin against his.

Jackson hugged the boy feeling his body in his grasp feeling as if he wouldn't ever let go, he felt something he'd never felt with Lydia before, yeah he loved Lydia but not in this way, his love for Lydia was always more as friends, but this.. this was electrifying, captivating, eye opening, he loved Stiles Stilinski the boy who drove a crappy Jeep the boy who'd he had gotten a restraining order against, the boy who drove him insane with his stupid sarcastic remarks, he masked his love with hate, hating Stiles actually meant he loved him.

Stiles continued hugging him for what felt like hours, he felt safe in his grasp considering the dark wounds all over, Jackson was gentle and sweet and kind the two sunk into the bed still arms locked the two stayed silent in the dark room just holding one another Stiles yawned feeling tired he hadn't been sleeping well the last few nights he even started to develop dark circles under his eyes he looked up at Jackson " Look I'm really glad you offered for me to stay the night here jax it means a lot, I'm actually starting to feel tired" he smiled rubbing his eyes as Jackson let go of Stiles and smiled " well actually your welcome here anytime you'd like, but maybe you should get some sleep we still have school tomorrow" he smiled and stood up pulling the covers down so the two could lay down.

Jackson went ahead and laid down facing Stiles as Stiles laid down as the two laid down Stiles began to drift off to sleep he rolled closer to Jackson feeling the warmth of his body made him feel safe he feel asleep, Jackson smiled and cuddled the small boy wrapping his arms around the boy feeling the warm breaths against his skin made him feel calm, at peace, he soon drifted off to sleep, hearing the snores of the small boy in his sleep.

Once awoken Jackson opened his eyes to see a familiar face Stiles was half hanging off the bed his legs wrapped around Jackson's legs a pillow laid across his stomach and his mouth laid wide open causing Jackson to chuckle quietly not wanting to wake the boy who was sleeping so peacefully until he'd rolled off the bed falling into the floor he jumped up quickly " well damn, that's one hell of a wake up call" he chuckled rubbing the back of his neck

" Morning Jackson" he smiled Jackson looked at the boy who'd fallen into the floor " morning Stilinski, I take you slept well" he smirked causing Stiles to blush " yeah I slept surprisingly well for once" he said sitting on the bed picking up the pillow he'd dropped in the process and sat it back on the bed he was nervous for some reason maybe it was the fact that he'd woken up in Jackson's bed or maybe it was the fact that Jackson was sitting so unbelievably close to him close enough to feel his warm breathing, " her ya Jax what's up" he says nervously and slightly rushed Jackson just smiled and laid a hand on his cheek and kissed him slowly and softly feeling his gentle lips against his he had finally summed up the courage to kiss the boy he'd finally admitted he loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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