♕ The First Moment of Reckoning ♕

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It was the day. One more battle and you would face the powerful Team Emperor. You and your team had trained for the past four days, and the day had finally come. You did 25 push-ups and ate an apple instead of a pop tart.(helth) You walked towards the the elevator. Goggles looked at you with his usual goofy grin and said, "You look serious!" You said very seriously, "Today's my first shot at the big league! If we lose today, we'll be the laughingstock of Inkopolis!"

He said very casually, "Just do what we do! Have fun!!" You nodded more calmly and walked out to your car. As you drove towards the square, the place was packed!! You managed to park and get to New Albacore with minutes to spare, though. You and your team did a group huddle and as you all piled together, you said, "Alright everybody, this is one of the only shots we have. Since he's the most powerful, I'll take on Rider. Juniee, stealth. Aviators, Bamboo. AG, Blazer. And remember, even if we are losing, we follow the wise words of Goggles, ALWAYS. HAVE. FUN!" You all lined up at the spawn and got ready. 3...2...1...GO! You all focused on your targets and swam towards them. You followed Rider's topknot and when you were in 10-yard proximity, he started to fling his dynamo roller at you.

You quickly submerged and swam behind him as he looked around for you. You got behind him and splatted him. You heard his ghost seethe. You shivered and inked his turf. You heard a weapon charge behind you. You yelled for aviators and he super jumped right over. He and you splatted her and went back to inking turf. As you were inking a corridor you heard a voice say, "I have you now." You turned around and you and Rider fired your weapons until you splatted him again. This time, he screamed, "You will PAY!" His ink was stuck on you, so you submerged to get it off.

It was close, the current score, 56.3 to 57.1. 45 seconds left in the semifinals and you were 1 point behind. You swam towards their spawn and inked and inked until you couldn't no more. No, seriously, time was up. You got your usual churn except it felt like someone was beating it up instead of it churned. "The winner is...." you sighed and tensed up. "TEEEAAAAAMMM T/N ! CONGRATULATIONS!!" The arena cheered louder than it ever has been. You started crying tears of joy and your team came over for your usual group hug and you hugged each other super tight. Rider came over with his usual serious look on his face. "That was a pretty good battle, twerp. Good game." He said with a small smile. You shook his hand which the audience cheered and clapped at. You then yelled at your team, the usual, "CRUST BUCKET ON MEEEE!" They all cheered and walked towards the square.

Man, this was the fastest I've probably written. I hope you enjoyed it!!!!

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