Ch. 5 Kissed

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Quick A/N should I make a BNHA Yandere one-shot book? Or like a BNHA creature one-shot? I don't know, I just have been reading a lot of those lately and wanna do it -_-

(Also, waring a little fluff in this chapter! )


Deku POV

When we were all done with the pancakes, Y/n took our plates and put them in the sink.
"Ready to go to the store?" Y/n asked smiling, I looked at her and smiled back.
"Yup! Let's go!" I answered. Y/n grabbed some money and we headed out. We started walking to the store.
"Wait won't people recognize me since I'm in some show?" I asked, she smiled.
"Well not many people here know about My hero acadmaia and if someone recognizes you, we could just say you're a cosplayer." Y/n answered, I nodded. "What's it like.." Y/n suddenly asked. I looked at her and tilted my head.
"What do you mean?" I questioned. She looked at me.
"To have a quirk! Like how do you activate it? And what does it feel like when you're using it?" Y/n asked. I smiled, she seemed so intrigued about it, and I believe when we first met I saw her carrying a journal with me and some of our classmates in it.
"Well.. I don't know.. It's kinda like moving your arm... you want it to happen and it just does! And what it feels like... it feels exhillerating!"I answered,Y/n wrote in a journal.
"Thanks!" Y/n exclaimed. I took a quick peek in her journal, Y/n was on a page that had me drawn on it, and a lot of notes, but I also saw a little heart drawn on it. I blushed a little and gulped.
"H-hey Y/n?" I asked, she closed her journal and hummed in response.
"W-why was there a h-heart on my page?" I asked, I saw her face get red.
"W-well uh- y-you see.. Ah we're here!" She stuttered. I then looked in front of me to see a supermarket. We stepped inside, there weren't a whole bunch of people there.
"So what do you need to get?" I asked, she took out a short list. "Not a lot." Y/n answered as she picked up a basket. "I cant spend much money.." I heard her mumur, I think she was trying to not let me hear.
We put some strawberries and blueberries into the basket then went into another isle. Then as we were looking at something on the shelves, I heard a voice.
"Well look who's here."
Y/n seemed to tense up at that voice.

Your POV

"Well look who's here." I froze, I recognized that voice. I turned around to see Ziona,one of the bully's in my class.
I looked at her.
"Hey Ziona." I said in a sadish tone.She smirked.
"What are you doing here?" She asked rudely.
"Well obviously shopping." I replied snobily.She glared at me.
"Well why are you going shopping? Where are Dad,mom,or sis to do it?" She laughed, knowing my situation.
I felt a tear roll down my cheek, then Deku stood in front of me.
"Hey! That's not nice!" He yelled at her, she looked at him and crossed her arms.
"Who are you.. Her boyfriend?" Ziona asked mockingly. "N-" I was about to come up with something, but was cut off By Deku.
"Yes actually." He said in a serious tone. Ziona smirked. "
Prove it." She said. I just looked at Deku, I was about to explain that we weren't dating, when he quickly leaned down and started kissing me.

572 words
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed!! And feel free to give ideas on what I should do next! I'm starting to feel like this storys crap so yeah -_-
Have a plus ultra day!

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