chapter 1: The protagonist peculiar visitor.

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Chapter 1: The protagonist peculiar visitor

I have a peculiar visitor. Everyday he will visit me,stand beside my bed and silently accompany me.He never say a word or even touch me. I never seen my strange visitor. In the past few days, I heard from the doctor and nurses that I am in a comatose state. So I think it is strange that I can hear them,feel them. But still I can't open my eyes, talk or move.
I want to say "hey! I can hear you perfectly,don't touch me please!thanks," but I can't talk ,so tough luck. Back to my visitor, this visitor of mine likes to stare at my face. Oh I know you'll tell me how could I know if you can't see? I can feel that seering gaze no~
This visitor of mine likes to visit me in the afternoon. And when he comes ,every noises in the surrounding vanishes. It is kinda eerie. Just like now, it's almost afternoon, and I can hear one by one,the noise from outside,the twitting of birds,the beeping noise from the machine connected to me. It's all gone. All I can hear is the soft sound of shoes walking towards me.
I am really curious who is this visitor.
After that thought, he felt something inside himself. It's like he have some sort of energy to stand up.
"what's happening to me?," But he can't stop the energy flowing to his body . Then with a gasp, he open his eyes to a dim light room. He automatically saw the big windows beside him. It is downcast and windy.
"You finally had the interest to see me?," .he looked at the man beside his bed.
So this is my peculiar visitor. A man with a kind face. Tall and lean. The Man is smiling fondly at him . He didn't know him. And it makes him wonder how he didn't feel any fear for this person. Just plain curiosity. It's totally unlike himself.
"Who are you?," That's what's bugging him the most. The man looked at him closely, a complicated look passed into his face before he sighed.
"Hey, don't belong here, " smirked is playing on his lips .
His lips start twitching after he heard that. This fucker is playing him! PRINCESS!??,you are the friggin' princess!, Your father is the princess!!!,Your whole family is a princess!!! Dude!can't you see my chest? It is flat as it can be! Can you see my face?! It is manly! Come on!,
Complains and swears are just about to spout in his mouth when all of the sudden, the downcast sky turned so dark,it's almost night. The wind started to peak blowing the curtains in the window they're in!.
"What are you- !!,"
He didn't even got to complete the question when darkness covers his vision. It is suffocating,then he didn't know anymore.

In a small pocket dimension. Someone kept a black wooden box. Inside,there is countless letters. All of it doesn't have a recipient. As if the one who wrote never wanted for anyone to read any of the letters.
In one of the neatly folded paper, a message is written in black ink.

"You are here,yet you're not...,
Now, Real happiness was just a memory..."
- black box -

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