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You are a free soul.
You love to run.
You love to move freely.
You have your dreams.
They say, go chase her.
So you can stop her to be at your side.

But why would I?
When I can hold your hand.
To ran with you.
While smiling comfortly that I am beside you.
Let me hold your hand,
While running to your world.
Towards your dream.
Towards your life.

Will you hold my hand too?
And do not let go.
Because I want to bring you to mine.
I want you to see my life and dreams.
I want you to be at my side while achieving mine.

Let us run together,
Maybe just maybe our worlds are parallel enough.
Why do run like a pray and hunter?
I am not here to pin you down.
(Or maybe I do,  to kiss you.)
I am here to go with you.
To be with you.
Let us run together holding hands,
Towards the dreams we are dreaming of.


For my pretty Yel mwah😘  I love you. ( June 14, 2020)

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