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"So, I was hoping we could talk."

It's night. I'm sleeping. Or rather I was. I awoke at Orion's voice. I open my eyes but as soon as I see the situation, I close my eyes, feigning sleep.

I freeze, wondering if they saw me. My dad has the chair pulled up to Orion's bed. His back is to me. I hold my breath, wondering what they're doing, and feeling like if they knew I was awake they wouldn't be talking.

I hear my dad shift in his chair, presumably looking over his shoulder at me. "Sure--does it have to be now? Tristan is asleep."

"He's fine," Orion whispers.

"Are you sure? He's a light sleeper."

"He is, but I made sure he was asleep asleep before I called you."

There's a pause and I assume my dad is nodding his head or something.

"What did you want to talk about?"


I nearly open my eyes. Orion sounds really nervous. Actually, he sounds scared.

"Well. I know we've never met. And I know Tristan has talked about me, right?"

"Yeah. Any time he calls, half of the conversation revolves around you. The stuff you do together, your music..."

"O-oh. Um, and how often is that?"

"He calls his mother about once a week."

I shut my eyes a little tighter. I'm going to hear about that later. Orion doesn't know I make weekly phone calls to my parents. It's another thing I chalked off as him not needing to know.


"Are you alright? Do you need water?"

"N-no." I hear Orion take a deep breath. "Um. W-well, if he talks about me that much, you k-know how serious we are?"

"I know you guys are in love. And I know he's never thrown that word around before."

I can nearly hear Orion nod in resolve. "Well, that's touching. And I want you to know that I feel the same way about him, and I'm never, ever going to let anything happen to him, and I'm always gonna do what's best for him and look out for him."

"I know."

A pause. "I'm assuming he told you about...when we broke up?"

"Bits and pieces."

"Look, I'm not going to sugar coat it--"

"If you're going to explain about the drinking, we know. If you're going to fill me in about the...mental stuff, we know."

He breathes out. "You do?"

"Yeah. And I'm sorry if him telling us all that crossed a line."

"No. I'm actually kinda relieved."

A pause. "I could never understand why Tristan didn't want you to talk to us. After what we talked about today, and how he thought I wasn't very happy with him, I guess that makes sense though."

Orion takes a deep breath again. Jesus, was he going to have a panic attack?

"Does our past problems with my volatility make you concerned?"

"It did, at first. But we know you've been sober, and we know you're serious." My dad pauses again. "And we also know how much he means to you and that you don't want to fuck that up."

"R-right. Um. Well," his voice cracks, "That--that actually leads me to my point."

"Oh," my father replies with a chuckle. "So there is a point to this."

Orion does his nervous screech-laugh. Then he clears his throat. "Um. I know him and I haven't known each other for that long in the grand scheme of things, and I know we only got back together this past year..."

It surprises me how solemn his voice has become. Once again, I nearly open my eyes but I don't.

"But your son means more than the world to me. I've never, ever, in my life felt like this about anyone, and I can say with one hundred perfect certainty I never will. I picture myself growing old with him. I don't want to leave his side, not ever."

I can hear the smile in his voice.

"A good friend of mine once told me that love is when the mere thought of the person dying makes you want to cry. They told me that if anyone ever wrongs them, it makes you act rash. With this entire situation, and almost dying, and him almost dying--"

His voice breaks and he clears it quickly, though when he speaks again his voice shakes. "It just solidified the fact that I really, really love your son, Mr. Smith. He's turned all my plans on their head. He's shook my world up. He's made me look at myself in a light I never have before.

"He makes me say and do things I normally wouldn't. He's forced me to look at the world differently. Even when we fight, even when we fight badly and we're not speaking for a little while, I still love him. And if he said he wanted to leave me, I'd do anything and everything in my power to right the wrong. I'd beg him to stay, because I need him."

I'm really happy my eyes are closed because I'm fighting back tears.

"I've never needed anyone in my life, but I need your son. It's not just sappy, poetic vibrato. I need your son, Mr. Smith. He literally saved me from myself."

He takes a deep breath. "And so, I know it's weird on account we're both guys, and it's old fashioned, but I kinda told Tristan I wanted to marry him. I've been wanting to tell him that for awhile now, but after the crash and we both nearly died, well....I decided it was stupid for me to hold that in any longer. It made me realize how fickle life is, yaknow? So, I'm asking you if I can marry your son."

"Damn. After a speech like that, I don't think I could say no."


"Of course! Although I want to get to know my son's fiance better, so I expect to spend a lot of time with you while you're here in the hospital, and afterwards."

S-sure! I'd love that!"

I turn my head to the side, concealing the wetness dripping down my face. Everything Orion said about was beautiful. And I can't believe he asked my dad. It's such a sweet, Orion-centric gesture. I swear, I feel like I'm falling in love with him all over.

"You seem like a good guy Orion," my dad says. "I believe you, everything you said. I know you'll take good care of Tristan. I'll be happy to call you my son."

Orion sniffs, and he's either crying or trying not to.

"I just have one favor to ask," my dad adds.

"Of course. Anything. Anything, simply anything."

When my dad speaks he sounds so broken. "Help me repair my relationship with my son. Please?"

Falling Star: Book 2 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now