Compromised Positions

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"I don't know if I'll be able to get to any blankets," Gloria tells the dispatcher over the phone. "They're in back and I don't know how mangled the rest of the bus is."

"Orio," I whisper. 

It hurts a lot to talk, to breathe, but the pain is making me stay conscious. Without it I'm pretty sure I'd pass out. I'm starting to get really groggy, and I know there really is something really, horribly wrong with me. I'm trying my best to not panic, but I'm losing the battle. 

"You gotta survive...think about John, and Seth, and your mom."

"Jake," Gloria says, "we need blankets. Can you see if the first aid kit up front has one, and I'll see if I can get to Orion's room?"

"Yeah--wait, isn't the driver dead?"

She pauses. "Yes."

With a heavy sigh, Jake slowly gets to his feet. "Looks like I'll be joining Orion in therapy after this."

"Thank you love," Gloria tells him, heading towards the back, "I owe you."

"Fuck yeah you do..."

"Be careful," I call out to Gloria.

I was going to say more but speaking that loudly makes me lose consciousness. For how long though, I don't know. A noise brings me back.


My eyes pop open at the sound of Orion. Him and I are now covered in the black blanket I had bought him. I'm a little surprised he brought it with on tour. But then again I'm not; he's sentimental like that. I look down at him and his eyes flutter open.

"Orio?" I ask.

His brow furrows and he closes his eyes tightly for a moment before his gorgeous orbs focus on my face. "Mmmm. My side hurts. What's going on?"

"There's been an accident."

I don't think he heard me because he's slipped into unconsciousness again. Even so, I'm so relieved to have heard his voice. Just then my ears pick up something, and Gloria confirms what I thought I heard.

"I hear sirens!" she says excitedly into her phone.

After a moment though, nothing happens.

"G-guys," she says, bursting into tears.

"What's wrong?" Jake asks from the ground, his eyes closed.

"They said there appears to have been some boulders that fell down the mountain. An RV crashed into us, and we smashed into the side of the mountain and flipped."

I'm struggling to stay awake. This is important. I need to stay awake just a little longer...

"The ambulances can't get through. They have to send air medics because going around would take too long. They're going to be here in a few minutes, they're on their way."

"Fuck!" Jake screams then and starts crying again. "I don't know if Amy, Tristan, and Orion have a few more Goddamn minutes! Especially Amy, she's in really bad shape."

As I hear Gloria speak into the phone, I start to slip out of consciousness again.

"Please hurry. My friends are--I don't know if they're going to make it."



Orion and I are alone in the house the next day. It's the weekend. His mom has work while his siblings are hanging out with friends. Seth had come in specifically just to see Orion and myself; he leaves late tomorrow to go back to university.

Falling Star: Book 2 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now