(Y/N) meets... (Y/N)? - Hyori Ittai (Day 2)

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(Y/N) sat in silence, as he watched All Might talking to a police officer. He wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying, as he was still thinking about the events of the day before.

After he had left the school in a hurry, he and All Might arrived at Nejire's burning house. While the house showed clear signs that someone had broken into it, for some reason they found Nejire's mother unharmed. Not because whoever broke into the house ignored her, though. Nejire's mother told the heroes that she got into a "fight" with the person who broke in, and that she remembers feeling a sharp pain. The house wasn't fully burned down, so there's evidence that some type of fight occured, however, Nejire's mother seemed to be completely unharmed. Which confused both the heroes and the police. (Y/N) was thinking about why that was the case, and remembered his confrontation with the man who took Eri. The floor beneath (Y/N) had changed in a moment.


"All Might," (Y/N) said, getting the hero's attention.

"What is it, young (L/N)?"

"I think I figured out why Ms. Hado was found unharmed."

"You did?!" All Might asked.

"I'm not entirely sure... but I think the quirk of the man who broke into her house has something to do with deconstructing and reconstructing matter."

"Why would that be the case?"

"Remember what I told you yesterday?" (Y/N) asked. In the time between getting to Nejire's house on the day before and what was happening at the moment, (Y/N) had told All Might about Eri, and how he had met her, "About the guy who took Eri?"

"Yes, young (L/N), I do."

"So, when I was running from him, the ground beneath me suddenly changed into a bunch of spikes," (Y/N) explained. Before he could explain further, the police officer's eyes widened, almost as if he suddenly realized who (Y/N) was talking about. The officer looked at All Might, who nodded.

"You can go home now, young (L/N). I'm sure you must be exhausted," the pro hero said, "Don't worry, though, we'll find the girl."

(Y/N) nodded, as he got up and left the room. He walked towards the exit of the police station, but stopped when he saw Izuku, Ochako, and Jiro standing in a corner.

"You guys..." he said, "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't show up today, so we got worried," Ochako explained.

"You weren't at your house when we went there, though," Izuku said, "but this weird guy appeared and told us you were here."

"Weird guy?" (Y/N) asked.

"Well, I wouldn't say he was exactly weird," Jiro explained, "It's just that he was just... standing there in silence when we got there."

"In silence...?!" (Y/N) asked, "What did he look like?"

"We couldn't see his face very well, because he looking at a random direction, but he was wearing... I think it was a suit, but I'm not one hundred percent sure, his hair was also the same color as yours," Ochako explained, "at least that's what it seemed. We couldn't see it very well, since he was wearing a weird cap or something."

'Weird cap...?' (Y/N) thought to himself, 'When she said a suit, I thought it could've been the old man, but now I'm not sure about that...'

"Was he still there when you three left?" (Y/N) asked.

"I think so," Izuku said.

"Okay," (Y/N) said, walking towards the exit, "we can talk more when we get there. I want to see this guy for myself."

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